Following the conditional approval by the Planning Commission of a preliminary development plan and upon compliance with the formal provisions of these Regulations, the subdivider shall submit for recording purposes a final plat of the proposed subdivision. The final plat shall contain all requirements stipulated in the preliminary plan as conditionally approved and if desired, may constitute only that portion of the preliminary plan which the developer proposes to record and develop at the time, provided however, that such portion conforms to all the requirements of these Regulations. The final plat shall be prepared by a professional surveyor licensed to practice in the State of Ohio. (Ord. 24-2013. Passed 4-1-13.)
   (a)   Application for Approval of Final Plat. An application for final plat approval shall be completed on forms available from the Planning Administrator. The completed application together with an original final plat of the subdivision, ten (10) copies of the plat and supplementary information as specified, shall be submitted to the Village Planning Commission at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered.
   (b)   Filing. A final plat shall be considered officially filed on the date that the plat and all requirements of subsection (a) hereof have been satisfied and received by the Village Planning Commission and so dated. A final plat is required to be filed with the Village Planning Commission prior to the expiration of the preliminary plan as specified in Section 1103.10 (k) of these Regulations.
   (c)   Final Plat Form. The final subdivision plat shall be on one or more sheets with a maximum size of twenty-four (24) by thirty-six (36) inches, and a minimum size of eleven (11) by seventeen (17) inches and shall be clearly and legibly drawn. The original shall be drawn on reproducible material capable of producing blue or black line paper prints. The plat shall be drawn at a common scale between one hundred (100) feet to the inch and ten (10) feet to the inch inclusive. No ditto marks shall be used on the final plat, and a legend of all symbols and abbreviations used shall be included on the plat. The final plat is also to be filed in a digital or computer format. (Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)
   (d)   Final Plat Contents. The final plat shall contain the following information:
      (1)   Name of the subdivision, location by section, and range.
      (2)   Vicinity map showing the general location of the subdivision.
      (3)   North arrow with a clear statement as to the basis of its referenced direction or the basis of bearing used. (Ord. 24-2013. Passed 4-1-13.)
      (4)    Plat boundaries, based on an accurate survey, shall comply with the Minimum Standards for Boundary Surveys in the State of Ohio and the measurement specifications as contained in Chapter 4733-37 of the  Ohio Administrative Code. Descriptions shall be subject to traverse closure.
      (5)   Control station(s) or line cited in the deed description and the relationship of the property to this control.
      (6)   Plat boundaries and all control stations shall be referenced to the State Plane Co-ordinate System.
      (7)   A notation at each corner of the property stating that the boundary monument specified in the deed description was found or that a boundary monument was set. In addition there shall be a statement describing the material, size, position and condition of every monument found and/or set.
      (8)   The length and direction of each line as specified in the deed description of the property or as determined in the actual survey.
      (9)   A citation of pertinent documents and sources of data used as a basis for the survey. The existing deed of origination shall be stated on the plat.
      (10)   All existing title and source of title of adjoining owners along each boundary line with acreage or lot numbers of adjoining tracts.
      (11)   Written and graphic scale of the drawing.
      (12)   Name, right-of-way width and centerline dimensions and bearings of all existing and proposed streets within and adjoining the plat. Total length of roads in subdivision from centerline to centerline.
      (13)   Control points, radii, internal angles, points of curvature and tangency, lengths of arcs, length and bearing of chords of all street right-of-way lines and center lines within the platted area.
      (14)   Monument boxes with iron pins shall be noted at intersections and at all points of curvature and points of tangent.
      (15)   Location and dimension of all easements and rights of way provided for public service or utilities with wording addressing the purpose of such easement or right of way.
      (16)   All lot lines with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths. Bearings given in degrees, minutes and seconds.
      (17)   Iron pins not less than five-eighths (5/8) inch in diameter and not less than thirty (30) inches long shall be set and shown on the plat as follows:
A.    At all lot corners.
B.    At center line intersections of all roads.
         C.   At the point of curvature and the point of tangent of all curves on the center line of all roads and on all lot lines.
D.    At all angle points
      (18)   A lot numbering identification system, acreage of each lot, building setback lines and previous lots or blocks and their numbers indicated by a contrasting line style in the case of a replat.
      (19)   Accurate outline of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public or common use of property owners within the plat.
      (20)   Location of all streams, rivers, canals, lakes and flood hazard boundaries of the area.
      (21)   The limits of the 100-year flood boundary and the 100-year flood elevation as determined from the Flood Insurance Rate Maps of the National Flood Insurance Program shall be indicated on the final plat with a bold line.
      (22)   Open space shall be noted on the plat as being proportionately owned by the total number of lots shown on the plat or within the overall development.
      (23)   A statement or table showing total acreage in the subdivision and total acreage of lots, roads, open space, easements and other types of uses. Whenever a new description encompasses two or more taxing districts or two or more tax parcels, a breakdown of the total area must be recited to create an accurate tax structure.
      (24)   The surveyor’s printed name and registration number, signature and seal (in a form which may clearly reproduce on any copies which may be made of the original drawing) certifying that the details of the plat are an accurate representation of a survey made by him and that all required survey monuments are in place and shown correctly thereon.
      (25)   A notarized certificate of ownership witnessed by two other persons dedicating the streets, easements and any area reserved or dedicated for public use or common use of the property owners.
      (26)   A certification of approval by the Village of Lordstown Planning Commission.
      (27)   A certification of approval by the Lordstown Engineer.
         (Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)
      (28)   A certification of approval by the Trumbull County Sanitary Engineer, if applicable.
      (29)   A certification of review by the Trumbull County Health Department where sanitary sewers are not available.
      (30)   A certification of approval by the Board of Public Affairs.
      (31)   A certification for transfer by the Auditor of Trumbull County.
      (32)   A certification for recording by the Recorder of Trumbull County.
         (Ord. 24-2013. Passed 4-1-13.) 
   (e)   Supplementary Information.
      (1)   Certification shall be required showing that all required improvements have been installed and approved by the proper officials and/or agencies and that all required agreements have been executed.
      (2)   A bond or other surety shall be furnished assuring proper installation and initial maintenance of the required improvements.
      (3)   A copy of any restriction and covenant the subdivider intends to include in the deed to the lots in the subdivision.
      (4)   If a zoning amendment is involved, certification from the Village Clerk shall be required, which indicates that the change has been approved and is in effect.
      (5)   If a variance from the zoning ordinance of the Village of Lordstown is necessary for the proposed subdivision, then the applicant shall submit the certified minutes of the action taken by the Board of Zoning Appeals on the case.
      (6)   The Planning Administrator or authorized staff representative may request the inclusion of additional items deemed pertinent to further evaluate the project’s merit in accordance to these Regulations.
         (Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)
   (f)   Transmission of Final Plat. Within ten (10) days of the submission of a plat for approval, the Planning Administrator, or authorized representative of the Planning Commission, shall schedule an informal meeting to consider the plat and send written notice to the officials and agencies listed in this section, informing them of the submission of the proposed plat and the date, time and location of the meeting at which the Village Planning Commission will consider or act upon the proposed plat request. The meeting shall take place within thirty (30) days from the date the plat was formerly filed with the Administrator.
   The Village Planning Administrator in review of the final plat shall transmit copies as required by this section to the following officials and agencies, which comprise the Technical Review Committee, for their information, review and recommendations:
      (1)   Village Engineer;
      (2)   Village Street Commissioner;
      (3)   County Tax Map Office;
      (4)   Board of Health (as necessary);
      (5)   Lordstown Fire Chief;
      (6)   County Sanitary Engineer (as needed, as necessary, if applicable);
      (7)   Board of Public Affairs. (Ord. 24-2013. Passed 4-1-13.)
   (g)   Final Plat Approval. Upon review of all documents accepted as well as official and agency comments received in response to requests solicited in subsection (f) hereof, the Planning Commission shall approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the final plat of the proposed major subdivision unless such time is extended by agreement with the subdivider, the final plat is withdrawn or a delay of action is requested and granted.
The approval of the Planning Commission or the refusal to approve shall be endorsed on the plat within thirty (30) days after the submission of the plat for approval or within such further time as the applying party may agree in writing; otherwise such plat is deemed approved, and the certificate of the Planning Commission as to the date of the submission of the plat for approval and the failure to take action thereon within such time shall be sufficient in lieu of the written endorsement or evidence of approval required by this section. The ground of refusal of approval of any plat submitted, including citation of or reference to the rule violated by the plat, shall be stated upon the record of the Commission and copy of said record shall be forwarded to the subdivider. Within sixty (60) days after such refusal, the person submitting any plat which the Village Planning Commission refuses to approve may file a petition in the Court of Common Pleas of Trumbull County.
   (h)   Conditions for Final Plat Approval. Prior to granting approval of the final plat, the Planning Administrator shall require that all conditions of the preliminary plan approval be satisfied and all improvements be completed by the developer and approved by the proper officials or agencies and that the required bonds have been submitted in accordance with these regulations.
   (i)   Final Plat Expiration. The subdivider shall record the final plat within sixty (60) days of final approval, otherwise the final plat approval shall expire and become void. (Ref. 1102.04)
   (j)   Signing and Recording of Final Plat.  When a final plat has been approved by the Village of Lordstown Planning Commission and all conditions for approval have been satisfied, the Planning Administrator or other designated representative shall sign the certificate of approval on the original tracing and return the same to the subdivider. The subdivider shall within sixty (60) days submit the approved plat for processing by the Trumbull County Auditor and filing with the Trumbull County Recorder. It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to gain all necessary certifications before the signature of the Planning Commission.
      (Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)