(a)   B-1, Neighborhood Business. The neighborhood business district is intended as a location for convenience goods and services for residents of nearby neighborhoods. Allowed uses should be of a low intensity nature, appropriate in scale and appearance to and compatible with the surrounding residential character. Pedestrian accessibility will be promoted. The district may be found as a node within residential neighborhoods or used as a transitional zone between residential and nonresidential districts.
   (b)   B-2, General Business. This zoning district is intended primarily to accommodate a range of retail and service uses serving the broader needs of the community and the motoring public. Large-scale retailers, auto-related businesses and similar uses not generally appropriate for other commercial districts will be permitted. While the district will be established primarily along arterial roadways, care should be taken to ensure compatibility with adjacent uses and minimize conflicts with traffic along abutting streets.
   (c)   B-3, Downtown Business. The downtown business district is intended to protect the traditional, small town character of downtown Lorain and enhance the pedestrian-oriented environment. The district accommodates a mix of retail stores, offices, entertainment, public spaces, residential uses and related activities that are mutually supporting and serve the needs of the community. This district encourages a lively social environment and economically viable downtown with a wide variety of uses in a pedestrian-oriented and unified setting. Auto-oriented uses should not be permitted.
(Ord. 4-21. Passed 1-4-21.)