The procedures to be followed where contractors are permitted to disconnect services and repair breaks on mains in connection with the installation of sewer, etc. shall be as follows:
   (a)   Services.
      (1)    Contractor to disconnect services when using a construction box,    roll services out of the way and reconnect the service when past.
      (2)    All service lines are to be plugged and capped to prevent contamination.
      (3)    Customer is to be notified by the contractor, prior to the disconnect and is to be served with water by hose if service is to be disrupted more than two hours, if this is agreeable with the customer.
      (4)    The Division of Water is to be notified and all services, whether they were disconnected or not, are to be inspected and approved prior to backfilling. The full circumference of the service pipe is to be available for inspection.
      (5)    Any services that are backfilled prior to inspection shall be uncovered either by the contractor or the Division of Water and inspected at the contractor's cost.
      (6)    The contractor shall be charged for all expenses incurred by the Division of Water on this work, including inspection, correction of faulty installation, damage to piping and meters due to foreign material, and other necessary work.
      (7)    The contractor shall have in full force and effect the necessary insurance, bond and shall save the City harmless from any action arising from said repairs.
   (b)   Water Mains.
      (1)    When a water MAIN has to be removed, for the contractor's convenience, the Division of Water will remove and reinstall the MAIN at the contractor's expense, or the contractor may be permitted to perform the work under the direct supervision of qualified Division of Water personnel, as determined by the Director of Utilities or his authorized representative.
      (2)    When a MAIN has been broken by a contractor, the following procedures shall be followed by the contractor:
   A.   The Division of Water shall be immediately notified.
         B.   The water can then be shut off by the contractor.
         C.   The affected customers shall be immediately notified by the contractor.
         D.   A sump hole shall be dug below the break so that when the sump is pumped out the dirty water will drain out of the break.
         E.   Valves shall be cracked on either side of the break and the line flushed out into the sump prior to repairs.
         F.   The contractor may make the repair in a manner and with    materials approved by the Division of Water. However at the time the repairs are being made, the Division of Water must have an inspector on the job to supervise the repair work.
         G.   The contractor shall be billed for all Division of Water costs.
         H.   The contractor shall have in full force and effect the necessary insurance, bond and shall save the City harmless from any action arising from said repairs.
            (Ord. 167-96. Passed 9-16-96.)