Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this chapter shall be as follows:
   (a)   "Abandoned service" means premises where buildings are being demolished, remodeled, moved or disconnections required.
   (b)   "A.S.T.M." means the American Society for Testing Materials.
   (c)   "Auxiliary meters" means meters used by the Division of Water for uses other than billing.
   (d)   "Available frontage" means the frontage for all parcels which abut on the water main. On corner parcels, the frontage shall be the shortest frontage which abuts on a street right-of-way. Parcels which already abut on a water main shall not be considered as part of the available frontage.
   (e)   "Capital improvement" refers to a tap or connection for domestic, industrial and commercial betterment of premises.
   (f)   "Chemist" means a person employed at the Lorain Water Treatment Plant with a degree in chemistry or microbiology from an accredited university.
   (g)   "City" means the City of Lorain, Ohio.
   (h)   "Consumer" means the person, persons, firm or corporation having the use or benefits of a supply of water, or services rendered by the Division of Water.
   (i)   "Consumer branch" means that part of the service line situated between the curb stop and the meter.
   (j)   "Contract areas" means areas served with water by the City where a contract exists between the City and a political subdivision.
   (k)   "Control Authority" refers to the Director of Public Service or the Director of Utilities.
   (l)   "Corner parcel" means a lot or parcel abutting on two or more intersecting streets.
   (m)   "Current bond market rate" means the rate at which a municipality has to convert project notes into bonded debts; the rate to be determined by City Auditor.
   (n)   "Director of Public Service" means the duly appointed Director of all the service departments in the City of Lorain as agent for the Mayor and as defined and designated by the Ohio Revised Code. Reference made herein to the "Director of Public Service" means the "Director of Public Safety/Service."
   (o)   "Director of Utilities" means the duly appointed supervisor of the Utilities Department for the City of Lorain.
   (p)   "Division of Water" means the City of Lorain, Utilities Department Division of Water.
   (q)   "Engineering Division" means the Water Engineering Division of the Division of Water of the Utilities Department for the City of Lorain.
   (r)   "Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)" means the United States or Federal Environmental Protection Agency, or where appropriate, the term may also be used as a designation for the Administrator or other duly authorized official of said Agency.
   (s)   "Front foot" means the frontage which abuts on the street right-of-way. On corner parcels, it shall be the shortest frontage so abutting. When the property to be served does not abut upon a street right-of-way, “front foot” means the width of the parcel.
   (t)   "Frontage line" means the line dividing the public space, street or right-of-way from the abutting lot or parcel of land held and used by the owner as a unit.
   (u)   "Hydrant" means a connection extending from a water main to or above the ground surface, with valve connections to which a fire hose may be attached for discharging water at a high rate for the purpose of extinguishing fires, washing down street, or flushing out the water main.
   (v)   "Manifold" means a pipe fitting with several lateral outlets for connecting one pipe with others used in multiple occupancy premises.
   (w)   "Meter service" means a water meter installed on the service pipe of a consumer.
   (x)   "Noncontract areas" means areas outside the City served with water by the City where no contract exists with a political subdivision.
   (y)   "Person," "enterprise," "establishment" or "owner" means any individual, partnership, firm, company, association, society, corporation or any other entity using the water system or water works.
   (z)   "pH" means the logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution.
   (aa)   "Plastic line" means water line of rating of 160 PSI and meeting approval of the Director of Utilities.
   (bb)   "Service connections" means the connection of all or any part of the service line to the tap.
   (cc)   "Service line" means the line extending from the tap onto the premises to be served and includes all the necessary pipes, lines and appurtenances from the tap to and including the meter.
   (dd)   "Shall" is mandatory; "May" is permissive.
   (ee)   "Superintendent of Distribution" means the duly appointed supervisor of the Division of Distribution, of the Utilities Department for the City of Lorain.
   (ff)   "Superintendent of Water Filtration" means the duly appointed supervisor of the Division of water Filtration, of the Utilities Department for the City of Lorain.
   (gg)   "Tap" means the connection to the water main and the necessary pipes or lines extending from the water main to and including the curb stop or valve and box.
   (hh)   "Tap branch" means that part of the service line situated between the main to and including the curb stop and box.
   (ii)   "Water distribution system" means all the facilities for pumping or distribution of potable water.
   (jj)   "Water main" means the principal line or conduit through which water is conveyed or drawn to hydrant branches or service lines.
   (kk)   "Water service inspection form" means the application to be filled out before any water service and building permit will be granted.
   (ll)   "Water service outside City" means water service furnished to consumers in contract areas or water service authorized by the Director of Public Service for consumers in noncontract areas.
   (mm)   "Water supply meter" means any meter used on any water supply line supplying water to a premise from any source, whether municipal or private, i.e., meters on service branches from municipal water mains, meters on service branches from private water company water mains, meters on lines from wells, or any other meters as shall be determined by the City.
   (nn)   "Water treatment plant" means any arrangement of devices and structures for treating water from intake to distribution.
      (Ord. 167-96. Passed 9-16-96.)