30.01 Generally
30.02 Election of officers; certifications required
30.03 Term of office
30.04 Tie votes
30.05 General election; preparation of ballot
30.06 Joint; general
30.07 Joint; general; notice
30.08 Special elections
30.09 Filing fee
30.10 Petition, write-in and other candidates for general election ballot; procedures
30.11 Caucus candidates
30.12 Voter qualifications
30.13 Ballots
30.14 Recall procedure
30.15 Board of Trustees; terms; qualifications
30.16 Exit polls
30.17 Candidate filing forms; deadlines; filing officer
Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions
30.30 Grant of power
30.31 Introduction
30.32 Procedure
30.33 Style
30.34 Title
30.35 Orders; bylaws; reading; passage
30.36 Publication or posting
30.37 Certificate of publication or posting
30.38 Effective date; emergency ordinances
30.39 Amendments and revisions
Municipal Dumping Grounds
30.50 Operation and funding
30.99 Penalty
(A) All municipal issues and offices shall be combined on the statewide primary and general election ballots whenever possible.
(1) The issuance of separate ballots shall be avoided in a statewide election if municipal offices or issues can reasonably be combined with the nonpartisan ballot and state law does not require otherwise.
(2) All municipal elections involving the election of officers shall be held in accordance with the Election Act and in conjunction with the statewide primary or general election.
(B) When the municipality holds an election in conjunction with the statewide primary or general election, the election shall be held as provided in the Election Act, being Neb. RS 32-101 to 32-1551. Any other election held by the municipality shall be held as provided in the Election Act unless otherwise provided by the charter, code or bylaws of the municipality.
(1997 Code, § 1-701) (Ord. 168, passed 9-11-1984; Ord. 95-19, passed 12-12-1995; Ord. 00-04, passed 6-13-2000; Ord. 03-05, passed 2-7-2005)
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see Neb. RS 32-404, 32-556
No later than July 1 of each even-numbered year, the Village Board shall certify to the Election Commissioner or the County Clerk, on forms prescribed by such official, the name of the village, the number of officers to be elected, the length of the terms of office, the vacancies to be filled by election and length of remaining term, and the number of votes to be cast by a registered voter for each office.
(1997 Code, § 1-701-01) (Ord. 03-05, passed 2-7-2005)
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see Neb. RS 32-404