Each industrial user, as defined in Section 1048.03, shall file discharge reports and strength analysis reports with the Superintendent.
(a) Discharge report. The information on the discharge report shall be current information, and whenever the user's process changes the information shall be revised. The information to be submitted shall be as follows:
(1) The name, address, Board of Public Utilities account number and standard industrial classification number of the user.
(2) A site plan showing the size, elevation and location of all connections to public sanitary sewers.
(3) A general description of activities and facilities on the premises.
(4) A description of inspection and sampling facilities.
(5) A description of pretreatment facilities.
(6) An explanation of all surges of strengths and flow rates.
(b) Strength Analysis Report. The information to be submitted on each strength analysis report shall be as follows:
(1) The name, address and Board of Public Utilities account number of the user.
(2) The date and time the sample was collected.
(3) The results of the laboratory analysis in milligrams per liter of the strength of biochemical oxygen demand and suspended solids in the user's discharge to sanitary sewers. The analysis shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 1046.01. Except when modified by special agreement, one sample shall be collected and analyzed for each 500,000 gallons of discharge, with a maximum time between samples of six months. If the strength of discharge is inconsistent, additional tests shall be required to establish the mass emission rate. The sampling procedures used shall insure the sample to be a representative sample of the flow. The average strengths, in milligrams per liter, of biochemical oxygen demand and suspended solids for each strength surcharge billing period, shall be determined from the information submitted in the strength analysis reports for samples collected during the billing period in question. The Superintendent shall periodically collect and test samples of the discharge. If the information is substantially different from that on the strength analysis reports, the values obtained from such City collected samples may be used to determine surcharge strengths in place of the values in the strength analysis reports.
(Ord. 140-76. Passed 8-5-76; Ord. 134-87. Passed 9-3-87; Ord. 178-06. Passed 1-4-07; Ord. 182-08. Passed 11-6-08.)