A.   An application for permit to plant one or more trees or shrubs on planting strips or other city property shall state the number of plants to be planted; the planting location and its proximity to overhead lines, street intersections, etc.; the species, cultivar or variety of each plant; the plans for care and maintenance of new planting; and such other information as the city forester shall find necessary to a fair determination of whether or not a permit should be issued.
   B.   Whenever any tree or shrub is planted in conflict with the provisions of this chapter, it is lawful for the city forester to remove or cause removal of the same.
   C.   In issuing permits for the planting of trees or shrubs on city planting strips, the city forester shall follow the guidelines as set forth in resolution 93-28 as to the variety of trees that may be planted on planting strips of various widths as set forth in that resolution. (Ord. 93-33 § 11, 1993: Ord. 88-7 § 1, 1988: prior code § 15-4-10)