2.08.020: DUTIES:
   A.   It shall be the duty of the city recorder to keep the records, papers and seal of the city, and ordinances and resolutions passed by the municipal council in a book kept for that purpose. The city recorder shall keep in a separate book a record of the proceedings of the municipal council. The recorder shall keep the city recorder's office open for business between the hours of eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. and five o'clock (5:00) P.M. of each day except Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays. The recorder shall file all papers deposited in the city recorder's office with the date of the filing and add the city recorder's name and official title thereto. The filing shall be substantially in the following form:
      Filed this         day of            , 20    .
                                    , City Recorder
   B.   Copies of all papers filed in the city recorder's office and transcripts from all records of the municipal council certified by the recorder under the corporate seal shall be evidence in all courts as if the original were produced. The city recorder shall perform such additional duties as may be provided by ordinance or order of the municipal council.
   C.   The city recorder shall deposit into the city treasury all monies belonging to the city coming into recorder's hands by virtue of his or her office. The city recorder shall deliver to his or her successor in office the corporate seal, together with all books, papers, records and other property in the recorder's possession belonging to the city.
   D.   The city recorder shall countersign all contracts made in behalf of the city, and every contract made in behalf of the city or to which the city is a party shall be void unless signed by the recorder.
   E.   Whenever any real estate or any interest therein is transferred or granted by the city, the deed, lease, contract or other instrument shall be filed or recorded at length in the office of the city recorder before being delivered to the grantee. (Prior code §§ 2-8-1 – 2-8-5)