All persons having custody of any animal or animals shall exercise proper care and control over such animal or animals in order to prevent said animal or animals from becoming a nuisance.
   A.   An animal shall be deemed to be a nuisance if such animal:
      1.   Causes damage to the property of anyone other than its owner.
      2.   Causes unreasonable odor.
      3.   Is in unsanitary condition in its being or habitat.
      4.   Is diseased.
      5.   Is in heat and uncontrolled.
      6.   Makes unreasonable barking, whining, howling, or disturbing noises.
      7.   Chases vehicles, people, or livestock.
      8.   Has previously been found at-large by animal control on three (3) separate occasions within a 12-month period.
      9.   Has been declared a potentially dangerous animal or dangerous animal and is found at-large or found in violation of any animal control restriction placed on that animal.
      10.   Is a vicious animal.
      11.   Severely bites a human or animal, or kills another animal unprovoked.
   B.   In addition to other remedies allowed by law, animal control may abate a nuisance animal as provided by law. (Ord. 19-06, 2019)