It shall be unlawful for any animal to run at-large. An animal that runs at large by reason of some other person's actions or failure to act shall not be a defense to prosecution under this section. The following exceptions apply to the prohibition against animals running at large:
   A.   Animals may be at-large while participating in field trials and obedience classes.
   B.   Animals properly controlled by a participant as part of a recognized dog club.
   C.   Animals assisting their owner or trainer in legal hunting or in herding of livestock.
   D.   Animals assisting a peace officer engaged in law enforcement duties, or while being trained for the same.
   E.   Animals on the owner's private property so long as such animals are under the direct and effective sound or gesture control and within sight of owners or such individuals noted above, to assure that such animals do not violate any provisions of this title.
   F.   Animals may be at large in specific areas and times authorized and posted by Logan City. (Ord. 19-06, 2019)