Applicants for a business license will have their business and personal identification information referred to the police department by the administrator for a local background check and to alert the police to any new business to enable informed emergency support.
An applicant's criminal background may be grounds for denial of the license application if the applicant's record contains convictions for violations of any city, county, state or federal laws or other verifiable issues which demonstrate a potential risk to the health, safety, peace or general welfare of the city or its inhabitants; or if there are unresolved warrants for any applicant; or any other reason expressly provided for in this chapter or in subsequent chapters as applicable to the subject special license or registration.
Applicants may appeal license application denial or conditional approval by submitting a request to the business license administrator pursuant to the appellate process identified within each chapter or in section 5.02.160 of this chapter. (Ord. 05-25 § 1, 2005: Ord. 02-62 § 1, 2002: Ord. 97-76 § 1, 1997)