It shall be the responsibility of a person engaging in business within the city to voluntarily apply for and maintain in full force and effect a valid license.
   A.   Form: The application form shall be issued by the division, and shall require the following information: business name, address, mailing address and telephone number; owner's and local manager's names, addresses and home telephone numbers; dates of birth; driver's license numbers; emergency phone number; Utah state sales tax number, federal employer identification number, Utah employer withholding number, business name and entity registration information, Utah state regulatory license information, and other identifiers as they are required for the applicant to legally conduct the applied for business; business start date; location start date if different from business start date; and a description of the business activity(ies) to be conducted.
In the case of a corporate applicant, the above identified information shall be required for the corporation and the corporate officers in addition to any stockholder who holds at least twenty percent (20%) of the total issued and outstanding stock of the corporation. Any registered agent not also an officer of the corporation shall be required to submit personal name and contact address and phone number.
   B.   Fee: Should it be necessary that a person be required by the administrator to make application for a license, the administrator shall charge a nonrefundable application fee based on the cost of setting up new records, distributing the application, inspecting the business site, reviewing the application for approval or denial, notifying the applicant of license status and other activities related to license setup and status determination.
   C.   Application Is Not A License: Submission of an application does not constitute license approval. License approval or denial shall be determined within approximately two (2) weeks from application submission, except as indicated in subsequent chapters of this title for limited identified purposes. If circumstances do not allow completion of the application process in a timely manner, the applicant may receive a notice warning of application denial for noncompliant issues and allowing a specified time frame for resolution of such. If compliance is not possible, the application will be denied.
   D.   Short Notice Application: Applications submitted with insufficient time to attend to the regular application review process prior to opening their business or submitted in response to a citation for operating a business without a license will receive expeditious review as far as possible. Until a decision for license approval is rendered by the administrator, the applicant must cease and desist all activities requiring a business license. There will be an additional fee charged for the expeditious nonroutine handling necessary to inform the affected jurisdictional agencies and obtain the appropriate approvals. (Ord. 14-75, 2014: Ord. 05-25 § 1, 2005: Ord. 97-76 § 1, 1997)