5.02.050: BONDING:
   A.   The following occupations or businesses shall require the posting of a cash or corporate surety bond in the sum listed below in addition to whatever regular or special licenses may be required pursuant to the provisions of this chapter:
Occupation Or Business
Alcoholic beverage retail establishment
$5,000.00 surety
5,000.00 surety
Employment service
5,000.00 surety
Itinerant or transient merchant
5,000.00 surety
5,000.00 surety
Wrestling, boxing
5,000.00 surety
   B.   All such bonds shall be conditional for the faithful observance by the licensee of all laws and ordinances of the city and for the honest performance of all duties required of the licensee by ordinance as well as for such additional purposes as may be required in the particular chapter of this title requiring a license for such occupation or business. Any corporate surety bond must be issued by a company with an office in Utah, or in the absence of an office, the company must have designated an office for the service of process in the state.
   C.   All such cash bonds shall be refunded by way of a payment from the city to the licensee for the amount of the cash bond no less than thirty (30) days after the license expires, conditional on the faithful observance by the licensee and employees and representatives thereof of the laws and ordinances of the city and the honest performance of all duties required of the licensee.
   D.   If the licensee, including employees and representatives thereof, is cited for conduct of fraudulent or other noncompliant business, or there is other verifiable or substantial fraudulent or other noncompliant business conducted by the licensee, including employees and representatives thereof, the cash bond shall be forfeited, or in the case of a surety bond, a claim filed against the licensee on behalf of the city.
   E.   Appeal for any decision regarding bond forfeiture or claims shall be pursuant to the appellate process identified in section 5.02.160 of this chapter. (Ord. 05-25 § 1, 2005: Ord. 97-76 § 1, 1997)