A.   Compliance Required: It is unlawful for any person, either directly or indirectly, to engage in business or conduct any nonprofit enterprise, or to use in connection therewith any vehicle, premises, machine or device, in whole or in part, within the City for which a license, permit, consent or registration is required by any law or ordinance of this City, without first procuring a license, permit, consent or registration, or for any person to continue a business when the license, permit, consent or registration pertaining thereto has been suspended or revoked or has been rendered invalid by a change of ownership, location or other invalidating circumstance.
   B.   Special Sales: This chapter shall apply to all business in the nature of special sales for which a license is required by any law or ordinance of this city and it shall be unlawful for any person, either directly or indirectly, to conduct any such sale except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
      1.   One Act Constitutes Doing Business: For the purpose of this chapter, any person shall be deemed to be in business or engaging in nonprofit enterprise, and thus subject to the requirements of this section, when he or she does one act of:
         a.   Selling any goods or service;
         b.   Soliciting business or offering goods or services for sale or hire;
         c.   Acquiring or using any vehicle or any premises in the city for business purposes. (Ord. 97-76 § 1, 1997)