Signs permanently attached to the structure of a building housing a permitted or conditional nonresidential use shall be permitted subject to the following requirements along with other applicable requirements of this Zoning Code:
   (A)   Wall signs. Building signs identifying an establishment which are attached flush against an exterior wall, or extending not more than 12 inches from an exterior wall in a parallel manner, shall be subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   A wall sign shall be mounted on the building which houses the business establishment advertised or identified by said sign and shall not be painted directly upon a building face. A wall sign shall not project above the roof line or the cap of parapets of such building, whichever is higher, or project above the wall to which it is attached.
      (2)   Wall sign allowances may be split into separate signs on the building, provided the display area of the total wall signage does not exceed the total allowed, not including signs allowed without a permit. Where more than one business shares the same building elevation, there shall be a distance of at least three feet between said signs.
      (3)   The number of wall signs on any building is limited to the number of store fronts in said building.
      (4)   The display area of the wall sign shall not exceed one square foot for every one foot of lineal building frontage on the building elevation, or tenant space, on which the subject sign is located. No single wall sign shall exceed 40 square feet in area.
      (5)   No part of any wall sign shall be less than eight feet above the sidewalk or ground level. No part of any wall sign shall be closer than two feet to either end of the building face, including a wall extension.
      (6)   An internally illuminated wall sign shall not face a property in a residential district in the event such residential district is within 100 feet of such sign.
      (7)   A mural is a special wall sign of unlimited size that requires special consideration of design and placement by the Service Director's Office. Its function must be to improve the business and aesthetic environment of Logan and/or Hocking County.
      (8)   An additional multi-tenant sign may be used as a single wall sign with a maximum of 0.5 square feet of area per tenant plus 1.0 square feet of area for the building name. (Four tenants equal 3.0 square feet maximum sign area.)
   (B)   Window signs. Building signs identifying an establishment or information about the use or premises which are painted or affixed to a window, or erected on the inside of the building within two feet of the window and intended to be viewed through the window from the exterior of the premises, shall be subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   A window sign shall have a display area blocking no more than 25% of the area of the window which such sign is painted or affixed upon or visible through.
      (2)   A single business establishment shall have not more than two total window signs, not including signs allowed without a permit.
      (3)   Window signs shall not be illuminated, unless it is to identify if a business is opened or closed. Open and closed signs shall be limited to two square feet.
   (C)   Projecting signs. Building signs identifying an establishment which are attached perpendicular to a building wall and extending laterally more than 12 inches from the building shall be subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   A projecting sign shall not exceed eight square feet in display area per side and shall not exceed 16 square feet in total display area, and shall not project more than six feet from the face of the building.
      (2)   A single business establishment shall have not more than one projecting sign per building elevation.
      (3)   No part of any projecting sign shall be less than eight feet above the sidewalk or ground level.
   (D)   Awning signs. Building signs identifying an establishment which are located on an awning shall be subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   The total display area of an awning sign shall not exceed eight square feet or one square foot per foot of frontage width of each separate business within a building whichever is larger.
      (2)   Each business establishment of a building's frontage shall have not more than one sign per establishment frontage no more than two total awning signs per business.
      (3)   Signs on awnings shall only be placed on the awning valance.
      (4)   Sign dimensions are measured from widest extent to highest extent of any display area.
   (E)   Marquee signs. A marquee sign may be attached to a building in the Central Downtown Business District only and overhang the public right-of-way but be at least one foot inside the curb as measured from the building. This special sign is only permitted as a conditional use on public buildings of institutional or public purposes. Only three sides of the sign may be displayed.
(Ord. 66-2020, passed 11-24-20)