For the purpose of this chapter, Council shall have the following responsibilities:
   (A)   To initiate proposed amendments to this chapter and to transmit the proposal to the Commission;
   (B)   To take final action on all amendments to the chapter approving, rejecting, or modifying the recommendation of the Commission. In the event that the recommendation is rejected or modified, a 3/4 vote of Council is required;
   (C)   To take final action on all planned unit developments by approving, rejecting, or modifying the recommendation of the Commission; in the event that the recommendation of the Commission is rejected or modified, a 3/4 vote of Council is required.
   (D)   To approve all determinations of the Board that a proposed use not specifically provided for in this chapter is substantially similar to a use that is specifically provided for in this chapter;
   (E)   To appoint members of the Board and to remove them for non-performance of duty, misconduct, or other cause; and
   (F)   To establish a schedule of fees, charges, and expenses for the cost effective administration of this chapter.
(Ord. 6-1993, passed 3-8-93; Am. Ord. 34-2014, passed 9-23-14)