§ 92.27 PERMIT FEES.
   The director of public service and safety, or his duly authorized representative, may require applicants for permits hereunder to pay to the city a fee covering the necessary expenses to be incurred by the city by reason thereof. This fee shall be in the sum of $5 to accompany each application for a permit; except that in the case of applications for permits for excavation of trenches for the installation or repair of storm sewer mains, sanitary sewer mains, water mains, gas mains, and underground electric or telephone conduits, including manholes and any other appurtenances thereto, the fee shall be in the sum of $5 for each 500 lineal feet or fraction thereof; and except that in the case of applications for permits for constructing driveway approaches, including the cutting of curbs therefor, the fee shall be in the sum of $2 for each 10 feet of width or fraction thereof of such driveway approach.
('59 Code, § 901.08) Penalty, see § 92.99