The city shall be divided into 4 wards which shall be bounded as follows:
   (A)   The first ward, Precinct-Logan 1: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of State Route 664 and the centerline of State Route 664 to the intersection with the centerline of the Hocking River, thence southeasterly along the centerline of the Hocking River to a corner of the City of Logan corporation limit, thence following the City of Logan corporation limit in a southwesterly direction and continuing in a clockwise pattern along said corporation limit to the centerline of Market Street, thence leaving said corporation limit, south with the centerline of Market Street to the intersection with the centerline of Hunter Street, thence west with the centerline of Hunter Street to the point of beginning.
   (B)   The second ward, Precinct-Logan 2: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Main Street and Market Street, thence north with the centerline of Market Street to a corner of the City of Logan corporation limit, thence following the City of Logan corporation limit in a northerly direction and continuing in a clockwise pattern along said corporation limit to the southeast corner of Section 12, Falls Township, thence west with the south line of said section to the centerline of Oldtown Creek, thence northwesterly with the centerline of said creek to the intersection with the centerline of Ohio Avenue, thence westerly with the centerline of Ohio Avenue to the intersection with the centerline of Zanesville Avenue, thence southwesterly with the centerline of Zanesville Avenue to the intersection with the centerline of Hunter Street, thence west with the centerline of Hunter Street to the intersection with the centerline of Culver Street (as it intersects from the south), thence south with the centerline of Culver Street to the intersection with the centerline of Main Street, thence west with the centerline of Main Street to the point of beginning.
   (C)   The third ward, Precinct-Logan 3: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of State Route 664 and the centerline of Hunter Street, thence east with the centerline of Hunter Street to the intersection with the centerline of Market Street, thence south with the centerline of Market Street to the intersection with the centerline of Front Street, thence east with the centerline of Front Street to the intersection with the centerline of Mulberry Street, thence south with the centerline of Mulberry Street to the intersection with the south line of railroad right of way, thence east with the south railroad right of way line to a corner of the City of Logan corporation limit, thence following the City of Logan corporation limit in a southerly direction and continuing in a clockwise pattern along said corporation limit to a point in the centerline of the Hocking River, thence westerly with the centerline of said river to the intersection with the centerline of State Route 664, thence northeasterly with the centerline of State Route 664 to the point of beginning.
   (D)   The fourth ward, Precinct-Logan 4: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline Market Street with the centerline of Main Street, thence east with the centerline of Main Street to the intersection with the centerline of Culver Street, thence north with the centerline of Culver Street to the intersection with the centerline of Hunter Street, thence east with the centerline of Hunter Street to the intersection with the centerline of Zanesville Avenue, thence northeasterly with the centerline of Zanesville to the intersection with the centerline of Ohio Avenue, thence east with the centerline of Ohio Avenue to the intersection with the centerline of Oldtown Creek, thence southeasterly with the centerline of Oldtown Creek to the intersection with the south line of Falls Township, Section 12, thence east with the south line of Section 12 to the southeast corner of Falls Township Section 12, thence north with the east line of Section 12 to the northwest corner of Green Township. Section 34 and being a corner of the City of Logan corporation limit, thence following the City of Logan corporation limit in a easterly direction and continuing in a clockwise pattern along said corporation limit to a point on the south line of railroad right of way, thence leaving said corporation limit westerly with the south railroad right of way to the intersection with the centerline of Mulberry Street, thence north with the centerline of Mulberry Street to the intersection with the centerline of Front Street, thence west with the centerline of Front Street to the intersection with the centerline of Market Street, thence north with the centerline of Market Street to the point of beginning.
(Ord. 33-2011, passed 1-10-12)