All ordinances of a general nature shall, before they take effect, be published within 15 days after they are passed:
(A) In legal newspaper in or of general circulation in the village or, if no paper is published in the village, then by posting a written or printed copy in each of three public places in the village; or
(B) In book, pamphlet or electronic form.
(Neb. RS 17-613)
Statutory reference:
Additional provisions, see Neb. RS 18-131
Chairperson of Board of Trustees; duties, see Neb. RS 17-210
The passage, approval and publication or posting of an ordinance shall be sufficiently proved by a certificate under the seal of the village from the Village Clerk-Treasurer showing that the ordinance was passed and approved, and when and in what paper the ordinance was published, or when and by whom and where the ordinance was posted.
(Neb. RS 17-613)
Statutory reference:
Passage; rules and regulations, see Neb. RS 17-615
(A) Except as provided in § 30.25 and division (B) below, an ordinance for the government of the village which has been adopted by the Board of Trustees without submission to the voters of the village shall not go into effect until 15 days after the passage of the ordinance.
(Neb. RS 19-3701)
(B) In the case of riot, infectious or contagious diseases, or other impending danger, failure of a public utility, or any other emergency requiring its immediate operation, an ordinance shall take effect upon the proclamation of the Chairperson and the posting thereof in at least three of the most public places in the village. The emergency ordinance shall recite the emergency, be passed by a three-fourths’ vote of the Board of Trustees and be entered of record on the Village Clerk-Treasurer’s minutes.
(Neb. RS 17-613)
No ordinance or section thereof shall be revised or amended unless the new ordinance contains the entire ordinance or section as revised or amended and the ordinance or section so amended is repealed, except that an ordinance revising all the ordinances of the village and modifications to zoning or building districts may be adopted as otherwise provided by law.
(Neb. RS 17-614)
Statutory reference:
Modifications to zoning or building districts, see Neb. RS 19-915
Ordinances revising all the ordinances of the village, see Neb. RS 17-614