A.   It is unlawful to place, deposit, or leave any trash, debris, refuse or garbage on the property of another or on public property, including any public street, easement, sidewalk or other public property, except where such disposal is expressly allowed by law.
   B.   It is unlawful for any person to place, deposit, leave or dispose of trash, garbage, refuse or debris in any dumpster or trash receptacle that is located on the property of another without the express consent of the person on whose property the dumpster or trash receptacle is located. (2014 Code § 8-112)
   C.   The placing of garbage or rubbish or any refuse material in any street or alley within the Town limits or the disposal of such refuse at any place within the Town limits, except at such place as may be directed by the Town Health Officer, is prohibited.
   D.   The meddling with refuse containers or in any way pilfering, scattering contents, or junking in any alley or street within the Town limits is prohibited. (2014 Code § 17-203)
   E.   It is unlawful and an offense for any person to dispose of garbage, refuse, rubbish or waste into any refuse container, dumpster or other receptacle for the deposit of same belonging to or leased by another, whether by rental agreement, lease or agreement with the Town or a public or private trash, garbage or refuse hauling service, without the permission of the owner, lessee or other person entitled to the possession or use thereof.
   F.   It is unlawful and an offense to use the Town's dumpsters for dumping without an issued permit therefor. (2014 Code § 10-328)