A.   Any ordinance amending this Code shall set forth the title, chapter and section number of the section or sections to be amended, and this shall constitute sufficient compliance with any statutory requirement pertaining to the amendment or revision by ordinance of any part of this Code. All such amendments or revisions by ordinance shall be immediately forwarded to the codifier, and the said ordinance material shall be prepared for insertion in its proper place in each copy of this Code. Each such replacement page shall be properly identified and shall be inserted in each individual copy of this Code.
   B.   By contract or by Town personnel, a change, or supplement, to this Code adopted herein shall be prepared and printed whenever authorized or directed by the Board of Trustees. A change to this Code shall include all substantive permanent and general parts of ordinances passed by the Board of Trustees or adopted by initiative and referendum during the period covered by the change and all changes made hereby in this Code. Any paper version of this Code shall have pages which have become obsolete or partially obsolete replaced with new pages so that, when they have been inserted, this Code will be up to date to the date to which this Code is being brought up to date. Any official electronic version of this Code shall be updated to reflect such changes as well. After every change has been prepared and printed, a number of copies of the change equal at least to the number of copies of this Code still in existence shall be deposited in the Office of the Town Clerk-Treasurer. The Town Clerk-Treasurer, if possible, shall notify each holder of the copy of the original Code about the availability of the change or supplement. (2018 Code)