All new streets and streets providing direct access to a new subdivision shall have concrete curbs and gutters constructed in accordance with city specification and standards. The main factors in deciding what type of curbing, curb and gutter or valley curb, is required will be topography and drainage. The city reserves the right to waive the requirement of curbs and gutters on access streets where it would not be feasible or warranted.
   (A)   All curbs and gutters shall be backfilled with soil approved by the City Engineer within seven days after construction, but not before three curing days have elapsed. ABC or pavement shall not be placed adjacent to the curb before the three curing days have elapsed.
   (B)   All excess concrete on the front edge (lip) of the gutter shall be removed when the curb and gutter is poured with a machine.
   (C)   Straight forms shall not be used for forming curbs and gutters in curves.
   (D)   Contraction joints, expansion joints and joint sealer shall follow NCDOT Specifications.
   (E)   Curb-ramp depressions shall be poured at the time of the installation of the curb and gutter.
   (F)   Curb ramps shall not be located in conflict with fire hydrants, street lights and/or driveways.
(Ord. passed 8-8-2019)