§ 153.10.030 SCOPE OF CHAPTER.
   (A)   Preamble. This section enumerates the activities of landowners and developers that are subject to this chapter and provides that variations from the regulations herein may be granted upon certain findings.
   (B)   Subdivision required and subdivision exemptions. No person shall subdivide or resubdivide, or implement a planned unit development (or other multi-unit non-subdivision development), on any parcel of land within the corporate limits of the city, or within 1.5 miles of said corporate limits but not within the corporate limits of any other municipality, or within the jurisdiction of another municipality acting pursuant to § 11-12-9 of the Illinois Municipal Code (65 ILCS 5/11-12-9), unless a subdivision plat and/or development plan conforming to the official map and the requirements of this chapter has been reviewed by the Plan and Zoning Commission and has been reviewed and approved by the corporate authorities as required in this chapter, provided that the following shall be exempt from this chapter, unless covered by § 153.10.030(C):
      (1)   The division of land into parcels, each greater than six acres in size, and which does not involve any new streets or easements of access.
      (2)   The division of a lot less than one acre in size, which does not involve any new streets or easements of access, provided that the division complies with the regulations of the city zoning ordinance.
      (3)   The sale or exchange of parcels of land between owners of contiguous and adjoining land.
      (4)   The conveyance of parcels of land or interests therein for use as a right-of-way for railways or other public utility facilities, which does not involve any new streets or easements of access.
      (5)   The conveyance of land for highways or other public purposes or grants, or conveyance relating to the dedication of land for public use, or instruments relating to the vacation of land impressed with a public use.
      (6)   Conveyances made to correct descriptions in prior conveyances.
   (C)   Conventional site plan review required. No person shall commence or cause to be commenced any of the following developments within the corporate limits of the city, unless a site plan has been reviewed and approved by the Conventional Site Plan Review Committee as provided in this chapter. Any development located within the boundaries of the Historic District shall obtain approval from the Heritage and Architecture Commission prior to formal conventional site plan submittal.
      (1)   Any development or redevelopment of any parcel of land involving the construction of two or more residential buildings on that lot (excluding accessory buildings).
      (2)   Any development or redevelopment of any parcel of land involving the construction of a building containing six or more dwelling units.
      (3)   Any development or redevelopment of any parcel of land under single ownership or control involving the construction of any new office, commercial, storage or industrial building(s) (excluding an accessory building under 720 square feet).
      (4)   Any development or redevelopment involving expansion of 500 square feet or more to an existing office, commercial, storage or industrial building, and which has an impact on approved stormwater management, lot coverage, minimum landscaped surface ratio, parking, loading, or landscaping (including number of plant units and screening).
      (5)   Any development or redevelopment of any parcel of land under single ownership or control that will create more than 14 parking spaces for any residential use, or ten or more parking spaces or one loading space for any office, commercial, storage or industrial use.
      (6)   Any development or redevelopment of any parcel of land involving the construction or expansion of any public or private school, library, hospital, church or any place of public assembly.
      (7)   Any development or redevelopment of any parcel of land involving a wetland, wetland buffer, water body, watercourse or flood plain.
   (D)   Development plan review required. No person shall commence or cause to be commenced any of the following developments within the corporate limits of the city unless a development plan has been reviewed by the Plan and Zoning Commission and approved by the corporate authorities as provided in this chapter. Any development located within the boundaries of the Historic District shall obtain approval from the Heritage and Architecture Commission prior to formal submittal.
      (1)   Any new development or redevelopment of any parcel of land involving the request for a variance(s), special use permit(s) or rezoning(s).
      (2)   Any development or redevelopment of any land requiring the subdivision of the property unless such subdivision is exempted as listed in § 153.10.030(B).
   (E)   Recording. No plat of subdivision shall be recorded in the Recorder’s Office of any county, or have any validity, until it shall have been approved in the manner prescribed in this chapter.
(Ord. 18-008, passed 2-7-18; Am. Ord. 21-021, passed 8-18-21)