§ 110.73 MILK DEALERS.
   (A)   License required. It shall be unlawful to engage in the sale or distribution of milk or cream in the city without having secured a license.
   (B)   Applications. Applications for licenses shall comply with the general regulations governing appli-cations, and shall state, in addition to other required information, the source of supply of the milk to be sold, and the ownership of the cattle producing the milk.
   (C)   Standards. As used in this chapter, the following definition shall apply.
      MILK. The whole, fresh, clean lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows, properly fed and kept clean, excluding that obtained within 15 days before and five days after calving, or such longer period as may be required to render the milk practically colostrum-free, and shall contain not less than 3¼% milk fat; and not less than 8% of milk solids not fat. Milk not conforming to this section shall not be sold or offered for sale in the city. All skim milk, buttermilk, and cream shall conform to the standards fixed in the state dairy statute and the sale or offering for sale of any milk products or milk not in conformity with this law is prohibited.
   (D)   Percentage of butterfat in cream; regula-tions for selling cream. No cream shall be sold, offered for sale, exchanged or delivered, or kept for the purpose of sale that contains less than 18% butterfat, or that is obtained from any impure, diseased, adulterated, or unwholesome milk, from milk to which any foreign substance as been added, from milk containing less than 3% butterfat, or from cows fed on refuse or slop, mash, food which has been subject to fermentation, or other than good wholesome food.
   (E)   Containers. No milk, except skimmed milk, buttermilk, or sour milk shall be peddled or sold at retail in quantities of less than one gallon except in containers bearing the true name of the article, the name and address of the producer, dealer, or distributor, and the net volume of the contents in accordance with the dairy statute. No person shall sell milk or cream in any bottle or container other than that bearing the seller's name or a name to which he has acquired title as required by law.
   (F)   Artificial coloring. It shall be unlawful to sell any milk or cream containing any artificial coloring or preservation, to which water or any foreign substance has been added, or which has been handled or transported in unclean or unsanitary containers or vessels.
   (G)   Milch animals; bacterial rating. All milk offered for sale or sold must come from animals under state and federal supervision and proven free from all contagious and infectious disease. It shall contain not more than 50,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter and no pathogenic bacteria, and shall be produced under the following conditions:
      (1)   All persons living or employed on farms, or coming in contact with milk in dairies or other places, shall be free from contagious or infectious diseases and shall not have been exposed within a period of one week prior to the exercise of their duties to anyone having such disease.
      (2)   No person who is a para-typhoid, typhoid, diphtheria, or septic sore throat carrier shall be employed in the production or handling of milk.
      (3)   It shall be the duty of every person with knowledge of facts to notify the Health Officer or other legally constituted authority at once of the occurrence of any of the above afflictions in persons living or employed in or about a place where milk is produced, handled, or sold. Milk and milk derivatives that have been exposed shall not be shipped into, sold, or offered for sale in the city.
   (H)   Dairies. Every building, room, basement enclosure, or premises occupied or used as a dairy or milk depot shall have proper and adequate lighting, drainage, ventilation, and plumbing facilities. It shall be unlawful to employ any person afflicted with a contagious disease, or one who may carry the germs of such disease.
   (I)   Grade-A milk. It shall be unlawful to offer for sale any milk labeled “Grade-A milk” unless it has been produced and transported in compliance with the statutes of the state.
   (J)   Pasteurization required. It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale for human consumption any milk or milk products which have not been produced and pasteurized in the manner required by statute.
   (K)   Deliveries to quarantined premises. Milk may be delivered to quarantined premises, provided there is no contact of any kind between the inmates and contents of the quarantined premises and the delivery agent. No milk receptacles shall be taken from these premises during the period of quarantine and before being taken away for use, receptacles shall be thoroughly scalded and sterilized.
   (L)   Vehicles. Every vehicle used for the delivery of milk or cream to consumers shall have marked plainly the name and address of the vendor. All vehicles shall be kept in a clean and sanitary manner and condition.
   (M)   Inspection. The Health Officer shall conduct periodic inspections of all milk distribution plants, dairies, vehicles, and equipment used in the sale or distribution of milk as well as of the milk itself. Such inspections shall be made every quarter or as often as the Health Officer deems necessary. The Officer may in his discretion, in lieu of inspection, accept the certificate of inspection of any other city or village having equal or more rigid requirements than provided by this chapter. The licensee shall pay the cost of all necessary bacteriological inspections and tests.
(`79 Code, § 110.053) Penalty, see § 10.99