(A)   In general. No business or establishment, whether or not licensed, shall be conducted or operated to constitute a nuisance in fact, and no building, vehicle, structure, yard, lot, premises, or part thereof, shall be used, kept, maintained, or operated in connection with any business or establish-ment so as to occasion any nuisance, or so as to be dangerous to life or detrimental to health.
   (B)   Unsafe or unhealthful business.
      (1)   No building or structure, utilized, constructed, or maintained in connection with any business or occupation, shall evidence an unsanitary, unsafe, or dangerous condition.
      (2)   No substance, matter, or thing of any kind whatever, which shall be dangerous or detrimen-tal to health, shall be allowed to exist in connection with any business or occupation, or be used in any work or labor performed in the city.
   (C)   Refuse containers. The standard refuse container required by this chapter shall be a receptacle of not less than 20 nor more than 32 gallons capacity, of impervious material and sturdy construction, with a tight-fitting cover, and equipped with handles properly placed to facilitate handling.
   (D)   Duty to provide refuse containers. The occupant of every building, structure, or premises used or maintained in connection with any business or occupation shall provide and maintain in good condition and repair a sufficient number of refuse containers for the temporary storage of all refuse accumulating between collections. All refuse which is placed for collection service outside any building or structure must be kept in standard refuse containers.
   (E)   Refuse removal. It shall be the duty of the occupant of every building, structure, or premises used or maintained in connection with any business or occupation to cause to be removed at his own cost and expense at least once each week all refuse produced therein.
   (F)   Removal of restaurant garbage. Every person owning or controlling any hotel, restaurant, cafe, or retail food establishment where more than 32 gallons of refuse is normally produced weekly shall cause all garbage to be placed in sanitary refuse containers and shall cause all substances deposited in such containers to be removed daily from his premises and to be disposed of at his own expense.
(`79 Code, § 110.010) Penalty, see § 10.99