Editor’s note:
This chapter was formerly titled “Village Clerk.” Following the passage of Ordinance 2005-1, passed January 11, 2005, all references in these Codified Ordinances to the Village Clerk or Village Treasurer shall be amended to read “Village Clerk-Treasurer.”
234.01 Investment of surplus funds
234.02 Deputy Village Clerk-Treasurer
234.03 Combining the duties of Village Clerk and Village Treasurer into one office
Statutory reference:
Appropriation and expenditure, see Ohio R.C. § 5705.41
Election and term, see Ohio R.C. § 733.26
Powers and duties, see Ohio R.C. § 733.27
Seal, see Ohio R.C. § 733.29
Uniform Depository Act, see Ohio R.C. Chapter 135
Uniform Public Securities Law, see Ohio R.C. Chapter 133