(a)   General limitations. No temporary use shall be permitted if it would have significant negative impact on any adjacent property or on the area as a whole.
   (b)   Hours and days of operation. No temporary use shall be operated during any hours or on any days of the week except such as are determined by the Code Enforcement Officer on the basis of the nature of the temporary use and the character of the surrounding area.
   (c)   Public safety. No temporary use shall be permitted unless the Village Fire and Police Authorities having jurisdiction over the use shall have first certified in writing that such use will result in no additional, undue on-site or off-site threat to public safety. No temporary use shall be operated except in accordance with such restrictions and conditions as those authorities and the Code Enforcement Officer may require in connection with such certification.
   (d)   Traffic. No temporary use shall be permitted if the Code Enforcement Officer upon review of the application, finds that additional vehicular traffic reasonably expected to be generated by such temporary use would have undue detrimental effects upon surrounding streets and uses which cannot be adequately mitigated by the applicant.
   (e)   Conflicts with other temporary uses. No temporary use shall be permitted if such use would conflict with another previously authorized temporary use.
   (f)   Sign limitations for temporary uses. Signs to be used in conjunction with an approved temporary use must meet the following requirements. Temporary signs:
      (1)   Shall be located only on the same zoning lot as the temporary use;
      (2)   Shall be limited to no more than one per street frontage;
      (3)   Shall be set back at least six feet from the front lot line;
      (4)   Shall be no larger than six square feet in area in any residential district or 20 square feet in area in any other district;
      (5)   Shall be of sturdy construction;
      (6)   Must not be detrimental to the character of the area;
      (7)   Shall not be erected sooner than 24 hours before the commencement of the temporary use; and
      (8)   Shall be removed within 24 hours following the termination of the temporary use.
   (g)   Parking. Before approving any temporary use, the Code Enforcement Officer shall make an assessment of the total number of off-street parking spaces that will be reasonably required in connection with the proposed temporary use, on the basis of the particular use, its intensity, and the availability of other parking facilities in the area, and shall approve such temporary use only if such off-street parking is provided. No temporary use shall be authorized that would, in the opinion of the Code Enforcement Officer, unreasonably reduce the amount of off-street parking spaces available for use in connection with permanent uses located on the zoning lot in question.
   (h)   Additional conditions. Every temporary use shall comply with, and the Code Enforcement Officer may impose, such other conditions as may reasonably be necessary to achieve the purposes of this Zoning Code or to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
(Ord. 2012-20, passed 4-17-2012)