For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CANVASSER. Any individual who enters upon private property without invitation or permission for the purposes of door-to-door canvassing as defined above.
   CHARITABLE/RELIGIOUS/POLITICAL SOLICITATION. Door-to-door canvassing by any person, the primary purpose of which is to solicit funds or sell goods for the benefit of charitable or not-for-profit organizations, or for the purpose of providing information, either written or oral, to the occupants of the dwelling about candidates for public office, political issues, or religious or church related matters.
   COMMERCIAL SOLICITATION. The act of door-to-door canvassing for the purpose of soliciting orders for or making sales of goods, wares, merchandise, or service, or seeking donations or raising funds for any cause or organization for profit without prior appointment or permission of the occupant or occupants of such dwellings and which is not charitable/religious/political solicitation.
   DOOR-TO-DOOR CANVASSING. Entering upon private property and/or private residences with the purpose of contacting the occupants thereof either face-to-face, by depositing documents at the residence, or both, but without invitation or permission to do so by the owners or occupants of such private property or residences. This shall include but not be limited to such activities that are for the purpose of advertising, promoting, selling, explaining and/or proselytizing any product, service, organization or cause, or for the purpose of surveying or poll-taking. DOOR-TO-DOOR CANVASSING shall include both commercial solicitation and charitable/religious/political solicitation. It is not the purpose of this chapter to regulate activities such as a mail carrier or meter reader entering upon private property in performance of his or her duties, or other similar persons where permission to enter property is implied by the service rendered.
(Ord. 2008-49, passed 9-16-2008)