(A) Outside storage.
1. Residential districts. No outside storage which constitutes a salvage yard (200 square feet or larger in area) is permitted in any residential district. Additionally, no salvage yard materials collectively covering an area of 100 square feet or more may be stored in a front yard of a residential district property unless adequately screened from off site views, as determined by the Planning Director.
2. Commercial and industrial districts. Outside storage shall be screened from view and shall not be visible above the required screening. Screening shall consist of solid decorative masonry walls and landscaping.
(B) Limitation on permitted uses.
1. No operation conducted on the premises shall cause an unreasonable amount of noise, odor, dust, mud, smoke, vibration or electrical interference, detectable off the premises.
2. Application of pesticides or herbicides with any active ingredients containing diazinon or chlorpyrifos is prohibited.
(C) Development standards for the interface between commercial or office uses and residential uses.
1. A landscaped setback of at least ten feet wide containing deciduous and evergreen trees shall be planted and maintained along the property line between commercial and office uses and residential properties that have a common property line.
2. A masonry wall six feet in height shall be erected along the property line where commercial and office uses have a common property line with residentially designated properties.
3. A masonry wall three and one-half feet in height shall be erected along the setback line ten feet from the parallel with local streets abutting planned residential uses.
4. All commercial loading and storage areas shall be screened from view of adjoining residential property by a combination of landscaped planting and a masonry wall. Loading areas shall be enclosed and be located so that there are no noise impacts to adjacent residential properties. All storage shall be within an enclosed structure.
(D) Industry standards.
1. All industrial activity shall be located with access to major streets, truck routes and rail service.
2. Industrial development shall not create significant off site circulation, noise, dust, odor, visual and hazardous materials impacts that cannot be adequately mitigated.
3. The minimum building setback from any major street right-of-way line shall be 40 feet.
4. There shall be a minimum 15-foot landscaped area adjacent to any major street right-of-way.
5. The number of driveway approaches shall not be greater than two for individual parcels.
(E) Development standards between industrial properties and residential uses.
1. Where properties planned for industry abut properties planned for residential uses, the minimum setback for any new industrial building shall be 75 feet.
2. On properties planned for industry, a landscaped setback 20 feet wide containing deciduous and evergreen trees shall be planted and maintained along the property line with abutting property planned for residential uses and along abutting local streets.
3. A masonry wall shall be erected along the property line between properties planned for industry and properties planned for residential uses. Where this wall is in the front yard setback, it shall be three feet; otherwise, it shall be six feet or such greater distance as may be necessary to mitigate impacts.
4. A masonry wall three feet in height, an earth berm three feet in height, or any combination of wall and berm shall be erected along the setback line 20 feet from and parallel with local streets abutting residential uses.
(F) Miscellaneous development standards. A right-of-way that is essential to the circulation system shall be dedicated and/or developed to the appropriate extent and width when a zone change to a greater density, division of property or development occurs. Large development occurring in commercial and industrial districts shall be encouraged to incorporate transit passenger facilities, bicycle racks or lockers, shower facilities, as well as on site services for eating, mailing, banking and the like, as ways to encourage alternative modes for commuter trips.
(Ord. 533, passed 8-16-2005; Ord. 629, passed 2-21-2017)