(A)   The uses set forth in this section are classified as temporary uses subject to the authority of the Planning Director, under § 5-6-1 of this title, and a temporary use permit, under § 5-6-9 of this title. Uses that do not fall into those categories defined below shall comply with the use and development regulations and planning permit requirements that otherwise apply to the property.
   (B)   Temporary uses include:
      1.   Arts and crafts shows;
      2.   Carnivals (also see § 3-2-3, License Tax; Flat Fee, of this code);
      3.   Circuses (also see § 3-2-3, License Tax; Flat Fee, of this code);
      4.   City sponsored activities and uses, not occupying a structure and occurring at regular periodic intervals;
      5.   Construction office or mobilehome for temporary caretaker quarters during the construction of a subdivision, multi-family or nonresidential project, while a valid building permit is in force;
      6.   Grand opening/weekend special event, such as a parking lot sale, craft fair or auction. Flea markets are not permitted;
      7.   Model home;
      8.   Outdoor displays/sales (sidewalk sales) in association with a permitted business for which there is an enclosed building (also see § 3-2-7, Outdoor Display, Sales And Promotions, of this code);
      9.   Outdoor seasonal sales (such as pumpkins at Halloween and Christmas tree sales);
      10.   Temporary real estate office, including sales trailers and related facilities;
      11.   The temporary use of property by nonprofit or charitable organizations;
      12.   The use of shipping containers as accessory structures; and
      13.   Other uses similar in nature. Uses not listed under this section will require the Planning Commission to determine, through adoption of a resolution, that the proposed use is similar in nature to the uses listed in this section.
(Ord. 619, passed 6-17-2014)