§ 4-4-1 PURPOSE.
   The continued construction of new residential and nonresidential structures with the attendant increase in the population of the city has affected the quality and quantity of municipal services for the city and the people who currently live in the city and has created an urgent need for the acquisition, improvement and expansion of municipal facilities. Many new municipal facilities and expansion of existing facilities including traffic control and major roads to serve the increase in population and commercial establishments will be needed in order to maintain the existing quality and quantity of municipal services to the city and to preserve the public health, safety and general welfare. These new residential and nonresidential structures will receive municipal services provided by existing municipal facilities, yet have not contributed to the financing of those facilities. It is appropriate that this new construction help pay their fair share of the cost of existing municipal facilities necessitated by the new construction. Therefore, the Council declares that a municipal facilities charge (like the city’s water and sewer service connection charges and subtrunk sewer extension charges) should be imposed on certain specified new construction within the city.
(Ord. 338, passed 7-7-1987)