(A)   Membership and compensation. The Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission shall consist of seven members over the age of 18, to be appointed by a majority vote of the City Council from the residents of the city. A maximum of one member may reside outside the city limits, as long as they reside within the boundaries of the Livingston Union School District. Members of the City Council shall not be eligible to serve as Commission members, but may be appointed by the City Council to attend Commission meetings as liaisons to the City Council. Parks, Recreation and Arts Commissioners may not generally serve on any other advisory committees at the same time.
   (B)   Terms. Each member of the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission shall be appointed for four years. Terms expire on January 31 of the fourth year of a member’s term, or until their successors are appointed. Terms will be staggered with three members’ terms ending on the same year and the terms of the remaining four members ending two years later. A member of the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission may be reappointed to any number of successive terms. Should a vacancy occur through means other than term expiration, the appointment of the new member shall be for the remainder of the vacated term.
   (C)   Chairperson. The Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission shall appoint a Chairperson and Secretary from among the appointed members. The Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission shall also have an option to appoint a Vice Chairperson. These officers shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are appointed, and may hold the office for any number of successive terms. This member, in addition to the usual chairpersonship duties, shall be the official contact between the Commission and the City Council.
(Ord. 633, passed 2-20-2018; Ord. 640, passed 9-3-2019)