(A)   Left turn.
      1.   Method of approach. The operator of a vehicle intending to turn to the left at an intersection or into an alley or driveway shall approach the point of turning in the line of traffic next to the center of the roadway.
      2.   Method of turning. The operator of a vehicle in turning left at an intersection shall pass to the right of the center of the intersection before turning, except that where markers have been placed upon the intersection boundary lines to be crossed by the vehicle, the operator shall pass to the right of such markers.
   (B)   Right turn.
      1.   Method of approach. The operator of a vehicle intending to turn to the right at an intersection or into an alley or driveway shall approach to the point of turning in the line of traffic nearest the right hand edge of the curb of the street.
      2.   When allowed.
         (a)   Within the central traffic district a right turn shall not be made at an intersection by the operator of any vehicle against a traffic signal.
         (b)   Elsewhere the operator of a vehicle may make a right turn at any intersection irrespective of a traffic signal, after stopping at a boulevard stop and subject to the rights of pedestrians at such intersections.
   (C)   Location of turning markers. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized, and as to those intersections mentioned in subsection (C)1. of this section, it shall be his or her duty to place or cause to be placed turning markers in intersections as follows.
      1.   Within intersections where either intersecting roadway is less than 60 feet in width and in intersections where streets meet at other than right angles and in intersections where one street terminates in another, a marker shall be placed at every intersection of the medial line of each street with the prolongation of the property or curb line of the intersection street, or as near the intersecting point of said lines as may be practical.
      2.   Intersections other than those mentioned in subsection (C)1. of this section may be marked as provided in said subsection or a single marker may be placed within such intersection at the intersection of the medial lines of the intersecting streets.
(Ord. 15, passed 8-8-1927)