(A) An amendment to this chapter may be adopted by the Board of Commissioners only by ordinance and only after the notice and public hearing requirements contained in G.S. § 160D-601 have been satisfied.
(B) A simple majority of voting Board members present at the meeting upon which the amendment is presented is required to adopt any amendment to this chapter as provided by G.S. § 160A-75. The Mayor or Board of Commissioners may refer any amendment to the Planning Board for review and comment.
(Ord. 21- , passed - -2021)
This chapter shall apply to all special flood hazard areas within the jurisdiction, including Extra-Territorial Jurisdictions (ETJs) if applicable, of the town and within the jurisdiction of any other community whose governing body agrees, by resolution, to such applicability.
(Ord. 21- , passed - -2021)
(A) The special flood hazard areas are those identified under the Cooperating Technical State (CTS) agreement between the state and FEMA in its Flood Insurance Study (FIS) and its accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), for the county dated July 3, 2007, which are adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this chapter.
(B) The initial Flood Insurance Rate Maps are as follows for the jurisdictional areas at the initial date: Halifax County Unincorporated Area, dated May 18, 1988.
(C) A copy of the currently effective version of any map incorporated by reference in this chapter shall be maintained for public inspection in either paper or digital form, as provided in G.S. § 160D-105.
(Ord. 21- , passed - -2021)
A floodplain development permit shall be required in conformance with the provisions of this chapter prior to the commencement of any development activities within special flood hazard areas determined in accordance with the provisions of § 154.022 of this code.
(Ord. 21- , passed - -2021)
No structure or land shall hereafter be located, extended, converted, altered or developed in any way without full compliance with the terms of this chapter and other applicable regulations.
(Ord. 21- , passed - -2021) Penalty, see § 154.999
This chapter is not intended to repeal, abrogate or impair any existing easements, covenants or deed restrictions. However, where this chapter and another conflict or overlap, whichever imposes the more stringent restrictions shall prevail.
(Ord. 21- , passed - -2021)