No construction shall begin pursuant to a permit issued under this Chapter prior to attendance by the permittee and all major contractors and subcontractors who will perform any work under the permit at a preconstruction meeting. The Public Works Director may waive the requirement for a preconstruction meeting for work which is substantially similar to that for which a meeting has been previously held. The preconstruction meeting, if any, shall be held at a date, time and place designated by the Village with such Village representatives in attendance as the Village deems necessary. The meeting shall be for the purpose of reviewing the work under the permit, and reviewing special considerations necessary in the areas where work will occur, including, without limitation, presence or absence of other facilities in the area and their locations, procedures to avoid disruption of other facilities, use of rights-of-way by the public during construction, and access and egress by adjacent property owners.
(Ord. 2024-5097, 10-7-2024)