(A) All weeds, turf grasses, annual plants, vegetation, and plant growth in excess of eight inches (8") in height is hereby declared a nuisance; and it shall be unlawful for any person owning or controlling any lot, tract, or parcel of land to allow for the presence of weeds, turf grasses, annual plants, vegetation, and plant growth in excess of eight inches (8") in height.
1. This subsection (A) does not apply to the following:
(a) Trees and shrubs;
(b) Cultivated flowers;
(c) Vines attached to trees and shrubs, fences, or walls;
(d) Areas used for scientific and educational purposes through accredited programs;
(e) Areas of public open space or open space governed by a homeowners' association;
(f) Areas within conservation easements;
(g) Areas that contain documented State or Federally listed threatened and/or endangered species;
(h) Buffers associated with lakes, ponds, and wetlands;
(i) Buffers associated with channels, creeks, streams, and rivers;
(j) Golf courses;
(k) Heavily wooded property;
(l) Legal farms, agricultural uses, and gardens;
(m) Rain gardens;
(n) Regulatory mitigation areas including stormwater management facilities; or
(o) Native Illinois prairie grasses.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person owning or controlling any lot, tract, or parcel of land abutting right-of-way to allow for the presence of weeds, turf grasses, annual plants, vegetation, and plant growth in excess of eight inches (8") in height in the area between the edge of pavement or curb and their property line.
1. This subsection (B) does not apply to the following:
(a) Trees and shrubs;
(b) Cultivated flowers;
(c) Vines attached to trees and shrubs, fences, or walls;
(d) Areas that contain documented State or Federally listed threatened and/or endangered species;
(e) Buffers associated with lakes, ponds, and wetlands;
(f) Buffers associated with channels, creeks, streams, and rivers;
(g) Rain gardens;
(h) Regulatory mitigation areas including stormwater management facilities. (Ord. 2018-4797, 11-19-2018)