COMPOST PILE: A pile or collection of organic materials maintained for noncommercial, private, home gardening use, expressly constructed for the purpose of obtaining decomposed organic matter and consisting of one or more of the following materials: leaves, grass clippings, garden debris, excluding branches and shrubs, and manure.
HDPE: High density polyethylene.
HANDBILL: Any printed or written matter, any sample or device, dodger, circular, leaflet, pamphlet, paper, booklet or any other printed or otherwise reproduced original or copies of any matter or literature.
LDPE: Low density polyethylene.
PET: Polyethylene terephtyalate.
RECYCLABLES: Brown kraft paper bags, paper magazines and catalogs, paper telephone books, corrugated cardboard, newspaper and newspaper inserts, colored HDPE and HDPE plastic milk or water jugs, tin cans, steel cans, bimetal cans, PET plastic beverage containers, clear, brown or green glass bottles or jars, aluminum cans, aluminum foil and aluminum formed containers, junk mail, 6-pack rings, aerosol cans, juice boxes, wet strength carrier stock, mixed papers, 12-pack rings #4, paint cans, frozen food packages, chipboard, polystyrene #6, envelopes and any other items the village decides to recycle in the future.
TOTER: A wheeled container in sizes ranging from fifty (50) to ninety (90) gallons, with cover, requiring a semiautomatic lifting mechanism for collection, and approved by and/or supplied and billed to the resident directly by the scavenger for a monthly charge.
WASTE: Garbage, refuse, rubbish, litter, and recyclables, including, but not limited to, the following general and specific items:
(A) Items subject to decay, including, but not limited to, putrescible animal and vegetable wastes resulting from handling, preparing, cooking and consumption of food; waste that attracts insects or rodents and vermin; dead animals; and any items subject to rapid decay, putrefaction and generation of noxious gases or odors; however, this definition expressly excludes compost piles.
(B) Paper products, including, but not limited to, paper, newspapers, magazines, books, cartons, wrappings and cigarettes.
(C) Wood products, including, but not limited to, boxes, barrels, excelsior and straw; however, neatly stacked firewood limited in amount to one and one-half (11/2) cords is permitted.
(D) Metal products and household items, including, but not limited to, nails, metal scraps and shavings, cans, machinery, abandoned or inoperable vehicles, used pipe and fittings, appliances, refrigerators, furniture, furnishings, fixtures and bedding.
(E) Yard leavings, including, but not limited to, downed trees, downed shrubs, loose branches.
(F) Construction material (on a lot where no active building permit is in force), including, but not limited to, concrete, bricks, blocks, shingles, siding, aluminum trim and mud and debris on public or private streets, sidewalks or pathways created by construction traffic.
(G) Textile products, including, but not limited to, rags, shoes, and articles of clothing.
(H) Anything creating a danger or nuisance to the public health, safety and welfare, including, but not limited to, ashes and cinders and any of the items mentioned above. (Ord. 92-2342, 12-7-1992; amd. Ord. 94-2499, 4-18-1994)