(A)   The decision of the village business office manager in refusing to grant or renew a permit shall be appealable. The applicant shall have the right to appeal the decision to the village board provided that the applicant file a written notice of appeal, including a statement of the grounds of appeal, with the business office manager, within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the notice of denial. The village board shall set a hearing on the appeal at its next regularly scheduled village board meeting and notice of such time and place shall be given to the applicant by certified mail, return receipt requested. The village board shall have the power to reverse, affirm, or modify the original decision. In making its determination, the village board shall only consider the standards set forth in this chapter. The decision of the village board shall be rendered the same day as the hearing. The decision of the village board shall be final.
   (B)   The decision of the village to remove a newspaper dispensing device shall be appealable. The applicant shall have the right to appeal the decision to the village board provided that the applicant file a written notice of appeal, including a statement of the grounds of appeal, with the business office manager, within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the notice of removal. The village board shall set a hearing on the appeal at its next regularly scheduled village board meeting and notice of such time and place shall be given to the owner/user of the newspaper dispensing device by certified mail, return receipt requested. The newspaper dispensing device may remain in place during the appeal period. The village board shall have the power to reverse, affirm or modify the original decision. In making its determination, the village board shall only consider the standards set forth in this chapter. The decision of the village board shall be rendered the same day as the hearing. The decision of the village board shall be final. (Ord. 2003-3465, 6-2-2003)