(A)   All premises and structures using the village water supply must be equipped with an adequate water meter and outside reading device furnished by the village but paid for by the applicant, customer, owner or contractor. The minimum size for water meters shall be three-fourths inch (3/4"). All meters two inches (2") in size or larger shall be compound meters with a bypass with a lockable valve as required by the public works director. The meter shall be and remain the property of the village and the charge therefor shall constitute a rental of the meter.
   (B)   All meters larger than one inch (1") in size shall be installed by the applicant, customer, owner or contractor. All meters one inch (1") and smaller in size shall be installed by the village, and a charge as established by Title 1, Chapter 20, “Fees, Fines, Insurance, Guarantees, and Regulatory Measures” for said installation shall be made by the village and paid for by the applicant, customer, owner or contractor at the time of the application for a water tap-on permit. The installation charge shall be in addition to all other fees or charges to be paid by the applicant, customer, owner or contractor pursuant to village ordinances. (Ord. 95-2684, 9-5-1995; amd. Ord. 2021-4921, 9-20-2021)