Planned unit developments are intended to promote the following objectives:
   (A)   To permit a maximum choice in the types of environment available to the public by allowing a development that would not be possible under the strict application of this and other Village ordinances pertaining to land development.
   (B)   To promote a creative approach to the use of land and related physical facilities that results in better design and development, with the inclusion of aesthetic amenities.
   (C)   To combine and coordinate architectural styles, building forms and building relationships with a possible mixing of different urban uses in an innovative design.
   (D)   To encourage a pattern of development to preserve natural vegetation, topographic and geological features, and environmentally appropriate features.
   (E)   To provide for the prevention and/or control of soil erosion, surface flooding and the preservation of subsurface water.
   (F)   To create a method for the permanent preservation of space for the continued use and enjoyment of the residents of the development.
   (G)   To provide for more usable and suitably located recreation facilities, schools and other public and private facilities.
   (H)   To promote the more efficient use of the land resulting in more economically feasible networks of utilities, streets and other facilities.
   (I)   To encourage a land use which promotes the public health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare.
   (J)   To create a method for the permanent preservation of architectural and/or historic landmarks.
   (K)   To facilitate the implementation of adopted Village land use policies, particularly with respect to areas planned for potential redevelopment. (Ord. 2021-4931, 11-15-2021)