(A)   All public hearings are subject to the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.)
   (B)   General Procedures
      1.   Public hearings required by this Zoning Ordinance must be conducted by the designated hearing body. At the hearing, interested persons must be permitted to submit information and comments, verbally or in writing. The designated hearing body is authorized to establish rules of procedure.
   (C)   Continued Public Hearings
      1.   Once commenced, a public hearing may be continued by the hearing body. No re-notification is required if the continuance is set for specified date and time and that date and time is announced at the time of the continuance.
      2.   If a public hearing is continued or postponed for an indefinite period of time from the date of the originally scheduled public hearing, new public hearing notice must be given before the rescheduled public hearing.
      3.   If the applicant requests and is granted a postponement, the applicant must pay any costs of re-notification. (Ord. 2021-4931, 11-15-2021)