(A)   Applicability
      1.   The anti-monotony standards of this Section apply to all new detached houses.
         (a)   Exception. The Zoning Administrator is authorized to modify the standards of this Section when the applicant for a building permit could not be expected to anticipate the design of a neighboring detached house for which a building permit has already been issued but is not yet built.
   (B)   Standards
      1.   No building permit shall be issued for any new detached house which street facing facade is of substantially similar to any other detached house within three lots on either side of the subject property and within the four nearest lots across the street.
      2.   Substantially Similar. To be determined not to be substantially similar, the street facing façade must differ in a minimum of two of the following characteristics:
         (a)   Roof type (gable, hip, mansard, gambrel, or combination)
         (b)   Number of stories
         (c)   Shape or silhouette
         (d)   Relative location and size of windows
         (e)   Entryway design elements
         (f)   Garage orientation
         (g)   Primary and accent building materials (type, style, or location) (Ord. 2021-4931, 11-15-2021)