(a)   The Clerk-Treasurer shall issue petty cash fund checks to the Lisbon Volunteer Fire Department who shall appoint a custodian of the petty cash fund.
   (b)   As the Lisbon Volunteer Fire Department Petty Cash Fund is depleted, moneys shall be reissued by the Clerk-Treasurer, based on Fire Department need and Village finances.
   (c)   Petty cash fund moneys are authorized for the following purposes:
      (1)   Material and supplies for cleaning and maintenance of fire equipment,
      (2)   Stationery for Fire Department business,
      (3)   Forms for Fire Department reports,
      (4)   Fire Department Associations dues,
      (5)   Post Office Box,
      (6)   Refreshments for firemen following fires and during meetings,
      (7)   The purchase of miscellaneous small machine, tool or engine parts,
      (8)   The filling of oxygen bottles,
      (9)   The purchase of motor oil and other machine operation additives for portable pumps, generators, and other small machines,
      (10)   Magazine subscriptions for trade magazines, and
      (11)   Flashlights, batteries and bulbs.
   (d)   Receipts shall be kept for all expenditures from the Lisbon Volunteer Fire Department Petty Cash Fund for display to the Clerk-Treasurer and Council.
   (e)   All expenditures from the Lisbon Volunteer Fire Department Petty Cash Fund are subject to later review and approval by Council.
   (f)   The Lisbon Volunteer Fire Department may expend moneys from the petty cash fund for particular items in categories mentioned in division (c) hereof, even if such items or material could be purchased through the general appropriations to the Lisbon Volunteer Fire Department.
(Ord. 1188.  Passed 2-28-83.)