(a)   There is hereby created within the Auxiliary Police Unit, the classification of Reserve Officer.
   (b)    Eligibility for the classification of Reserve Officer within the Auxiliary Police Unit shall be based on the following requirements:
      (1)   Auxiliary membership and one year of service.
      (2)   Age as set forth in the Auxiliary Unit bylaws.
      (3)   Must be a high school graduate or possess a G.E.D. certificate.
      (4)   Acceptable result following a full background investigation.
      (5)   State certification.
      (6)   Approval by the Mayor and Council.
   (c)   The responsibilities and duties of the reserve police officers shall be as follows:
      (1)   To function primarily as an auxiliary police officer; fill in as part-time officers, as needed; accompany regular police officers on routine patrol as scheduled; to be compensated only when filling in as part-time police officers.
      (2)   To have the same required firearms training as the full-time officers in the Police Department; be armed at all times on-duty; carry weapons off-duty only when directed to do so.
      (3)   Attend all interdepartmental training programs.
      (4)   Abide by the rules and regulations of the Police Department.
      (5)   Have full arrest powers on-duty or when directed by the Chief of Police or his representative and be under the direct supervision of the Chief of Police or his representative.
(Ord. 1186.  Passed 2-28-83.)