“Shared-use path” means a bikeway outside the traveled way and physically separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space or barrier and either within the highway right-of-way or within an independent alignment. A shared-use path also may be used by pedestrians, including skaters, joggers, users of manual and motorized wheelchairs, and other authorized motorized and non- motorized users. A shared-use path does not include any trail that is intended to be used primarily for mountain biking, hiking, equestrian use, or other similar uses, or any other single track or natural surface trial that has historically been reserved for non-motorized use.
(ORC 4511.01(PPP))
“State highway” means a highway under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation, outside the limits of municipalities, provided that the authority conferred upon the Director of Transportation in Ohio R.C. 5511.01 to erect State highway route markers and signs directing traffic shall not be modified by Ohio R.C. 4511.01 through 4511.79 and 4511.99.
(ORC 4511.01(II))