(a)   Amendments or supplements to this Zoning Code may be initiated by motion of the Planning Commission, by the passage of an ordinance therefore by Council or by the filing with the Planning Commission of an application therefore by one or more of the owners or lessees of property within the area proposed to be changed or affected by the proposed amendment or supplement. Council shall, upon the passage of such an ordinance, certify it to the Commission.
   (b)   Upon the adoption of such motion, the certification of such ordinance or the filing of such application, the Commission shall set a date for a public hearing thereon, which date shall not be less than twenty nor more than forty days from the date of the certification of such ordinance, the date of adoption of such motion or the date of the filing of such application.
(Ord. 1466.  Passed 4-11-94; Am. Ord. 1905.  Passed 12-13-11.)