(A)   No signage regarding a public announcement may be posted on any improvements, fixtures or infrastructure owned or controlled by the city or situated on public property, including but not limited to trees, light poles, telephone poles, utility poles, street signs, sidewalks, buildings or structures. Nothing in this provision shall prohibit the posting of ground-planted signs on public property, provided, however, that such ground-planted signs shall not exceed 36 inches in height, shall not interfere with the flow of traffic, including vehicle and/or pedestrian traffic, within the public right-of-way, and shall not interfere with any other use of the public property. These restrictions shall not apply to commercial billboards situated on public property but pursuant to an existing and valid right-of-way or easement grant. Each violation of this section shall be deemed a separate offense subject to a separate fine.
   (B)   All signage promoting a specific event (except a political election, which shall be governed by § 99.03(B), below), such as a garage sale or yard sale, shall not be posted more than 48 hours prior to the commencement of the event and must be removed within 12 hours of completion of the event. Each violation of this section shall be deemed a separate offense subject to a separate fine.
   (C)   All political campaign signage posted in advance of an election shall (1) comply with § 99.03(A), above; (2) shall not be posted more than 30 days prior to the election date and; (3) shall be removed within five days after the election date.
(Ord. 2020-03, passed 7-13-2020)