   1010.001   Purpose, intent and findings
   1010.002   Definitions
   1010.003   Administration and enforcement
   1010.004   Non-conforming signs
   1010.005   Prohibited signs
   1010.006   General regulations applicable to all zoning districts
   1010.007   Temporary signs
   1010.008   Zoning district regulations
   1010.009   Substitution clause
   1010.010   Severability
   (1)   Purpose and intent. It is not the purpose or intent of this sign chapter to regulate the message displayed on any sign; nor is it the purpose or intent to regulate any building design or any display not defined as a sign, or any sign with a message that cannot reasonably be viewed from off the property on which the sign is displayed. Rather, the sign chapter is intended to establish a comprehensive and balanced system of sign control that accommodates the need for a well-maintained, safe and attractive community, and the need for effective communications. It is the intent of this chapter to promote the health, safety, general welfare, aesthetics, and image of the community by regulating signs that are intended to communicate to the public and to use signs that meet the city’s goals by authorizing:
      (a)   Permanent signs which establish a high standard of aesthetics;
      (b)   Signs which are compatible with their surroundings;
      (c)   Signs which are designed, constructed, installed and maintained in a manner that does not adversely impact public safety or unduly distract motorists;
      (d)   Signs which are large enough to convey the intended message and to help citizens find their way to intended destinations;
      (e)   Signs that are proportioned to the scale of, and are architecturally compatible with, principal structures;
      (f)   Permanent signs which give preference to the on-premise owner or occupant; and
      (g)   Temporary commercial speech signs and off-premise signs that provide an opportunity for special events while restricting signs which create continuous visual clutter and hazards at public right-of-way intersections.
   (2)   Findings. The City of Lino Lakes finds it is necessary for the promotion and preservation of the public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics of the community that the construction, location, size and maintenance of signs be controlled. Further, the city finds:
      (a)   Permanent and temporary signs have a direct impact on and relationship to the image of the community;
      (b)   The manner of installation, location and maintenance of signs affects the public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics of the community;
      (c)   An opportunity for viable identification of community businesses and institutions must be established;
      (d)   The safety of motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and other users of public streets and property is affected by the number, size, location and appearance of signs that unduly divert the attention of drivers;
      (e)   Installation of signs suspended from, projecting over or placed on the tops of buildings, walks or other structures may constitute a hazard during periods of high winds and an obstacle to effective firefighting and other emergency service;
      (f)   Uncontrolled and unlimited signs adversely impact the image and aesthetic attractiveness of the community and thereby undermine economic value and growth;
      (g)   Uncontrolled and unlimited signs, particularly temporary signs which are commonly located within or adjacent to public right-of-way or are located at driveway/street intersections, result in roadside clutter and obstruction of views of oncoming traffic. This creates a hazard to drivers and pedestrians and also adversely impacts a logical flow of information;
      (h)   Commercial speech signs are generally incompatible with residential uses and should be strictly limited in residential zoning districts;
      (i)   The right to express noncommercial opinions in any zoning district must be protected, subject to reasonable restrictions on size, height, location and number; and
      (j)   Light pollution creates negative impacts on the community, particularly in residential and rural areas.
(Am. Ord. 09-14, passed 11-10-2014; Am. Ord. 01-23, passed 3-27-2023)
§ 1010.002 DEFINITIONS.
   The following words and terms, when used in this sign chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
   BANNER. A temporary sign made of cloth, flexible plastic or other fabric, except that flags shall not be considered BANNERS.
   COMMERCIAL SPEECH. Speech advertising a business, profession, commodity, service or entertainment.
   DIRECTIONAL SIGNS. A sign providing directional information about the use or uses on the property where the sign is located.
   DYNAMIC DISPLAY. Any characteristics of a sign that appear to have movement or that appear to change, however frequently, caused by any method other than physically removing and replacing the sign or its components, whether the apparent movement or change is in the display, the sign structure itself or any other component of the sign. This includes, but is not limited to, a sign display that incorporates a technology or method allowing the image on the sign face to change without having to physically or mechanically replace the sign face or its components. This also includes, but is not limited to, any rotating, revolving, moving, flashing, blinking or animated display, and any display that incorporates rotating panels, LED lights manipulated through digital input, “digital ink,” or any other method or technology that allows the sign face to present a series of images or displays. This does not include digital signs with fixed content that changes less than once per hour, provided that none of the content displayed appears to have movement or to otherwise change during the minimum one-hour display period.
   FACADE. That portion of any exterior elevation on a building from grade to top of the parapet, wall, or eaves and the entire width of the building elevation.
   FLAG. Any cloth, flexible plastic or fabric containing distinctive colors, patterns or symbols that is attached along one side to one pole or attached to a rope on one pole that allows for raising and lowering the flag.
   FLASHING SIGN. An illuminated sign on which the illumination is not kept constant in intensity or color at all times, when the sign is in use.
   GROUND SIGN. Any freestanding sign supported by or upon standards, poles, beams or other supports or foundation directly affixed to the ground.
   IDENTIFICATION OR NAMEPLATE SIGN. A sign that bears the name or address or both of the business or the occupant of the building on which it is located.
   ILLUMINATED SIGN. A sign which has artificial light source directed upon it or that has an interior light source.
   MARQUEE AND CANOPY SIGNS. Any message or identification which is permanently affixed to a projection or extension of a building or structure, erected in a manner as to provide shelter or cover over the approach to any entrance of a store, building or place of public assembly.
   NONCOMMERCIAL SPEECH. Dissemination of messages not classified as commercial speech which include, but are not limited to, messages concerning political, religious, social, ideological, public service and informational topics.
   OFF-PREMISE SIGN. A sign which directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service or entertainment not exclusively related to the premises where a sign is located or to which it is affixed.
   ON-PREMISE SIGN. A sign that directs attention to a business or profession or to a commodity, service, or entertainment sold or offered upon the premises where such a sign is located.
   PENNANT. Any lightweight plastic, fabric or other material, whether or not containing a message of any kind, suspended from a rope, wire or string, usually in series, designed to move in the wind. Sometimes called STRINGER.
   PORTABLE SIGN. A temporary sign that is designed or intended to be moved or transported that is parked or placed for the primary purpose of displaying the sign to a public right-of-way. Examples of portable signs include:
      (1)   Signs on trailers or on wheels, with or without text and/or graphics;
      (2)   Commercial signs mounted on a vehicle when the vehicle is parked and visible from a public right-of-way, except signs that are one square foot in area or less.
   PROJECTING SIGN. A permanent sign affixed to an exterior wall or roof of a building and which is perpendicular to the building wall.
   PYLON SIGN. A permanent, free standing ground sign erected upon a post or posts.
   SANDWICH BOARD. A temporary on-premise sign constructed to form an “A” or a tent-like shape, placed in front of a business.
   SIGN. Any writing, pictorial presentation, number, illustration or decoration, or other communication device, whether painted, posted, printed, affixed or constructed, including associated brackets, braces, supports, wires and structures, that is used to announce, direct attention to, identify, inform, communicate, or otherwise make anything known and that is visible from off the property on which the sign is located.
   SIGN AREA. The entire area of a temporary or permanent sign within a single continuous perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of the actual sign surface, but excluding any structural or supporting elements such as uprights, aprons, poles, beams or standards. For double-faced signs, the sign area shall be computed on the basis of one face of the sign.
   SIGN HEIGHT. Height shall be measured from grade to the uppermost points or level of sign structure.
   TEMPORARY SIGNS. A sign which is designed or intended to be displayed for a short period of time and is not permanently installed. This includes items such as banners, beacons, sandwich signs, balloons, or other air or gas filled figures.
   WALL SIGN. A permanent sign attached to or erected against the wall of a building or structure with the exposed face to the sign in a plane approximately parallel to the face of the wall and extending not more than 15 inches from the building wall face.
(Am. Ord. 09-14, passed 11-10-2014; Am. Ord. 01-23, passed 3-27-2023)