(1)   Purpose. The purpose of the LB, Limited Business District is to provide for the establishment of commercial uses of a limited (less intense) nature. This may be due to the close proximity of residential uses. This may include high quality commercial areas such as an office park development. Also, the LB District can be used as a transitional district or buffer between non-compatible uses such as intense commercial (GB) and residential uses. Land to be zoned LB shall be served with public sanitary sewer and water and shall be in a Commercial land use category according to the comprehensive plan.
   (2)   Lot and setback requirements.
      (a)   Minimum lot size.
         1.   Sewered lots. 15,000 square feet.
         2.   Unsewered lots. 10 acres in compliance with applicable provisions of § 1007.042(2)(b).
      (b)   Minimum lot width.
         1.   Sewered lots. 100 feet.
         2.   Unsewered lots. 150 feet.
      (c)   Setbacks.
         1.   From street rights-of-way.
            a.   Local or minor collector street. 30 feet.
            b.   Major collector or arterial street. 40 feet.
            c.   Parking lot. 15 feet.
         2.   Rear lot line.
            a.   Principal building. 30 feet.
            b.   Accessory building. 10 feet.
            c.   Parking lot. 10 feet.
         3.   Side lot line.
            a.   Principal building. 10 feet.
            b.   Accessory building. 10 feet.
            c.   Parking lot. 10 feet.
         4.   From property guided by the comprehensive plan for residential use. 35 feet.
         5.   Between principal buildings. Not less than one-half the sum of the building heights of the two buildings.
   (3)   Maximum building height. 36 feet except as allowed by § 1007.043(3).
   (4)   Maximum impervious surface coverage. 65% of the lot area.
   (5)   Building requirements. All newly constructed buildings shall meet the exterior building standards of § 1007.043(2)(d).
   (6)   Permitted uses. The following are permitted uses in the LB District:
      (a)   Adult use - accessory.
      (b)   Liquor sales - on and off sale.
      (c)   Office business - clinic.
      (d)   Office business - general.
      (e)   Personal services (subject to any licensing requirements of city code, county, or state).
      (f)   Recreational business contained entirely within the principal building.
      (g)   Residential extended care facilities such as nursing homes.
      (h)   Restaurants.
      (i)   Retail business.
      (j)   Service business - off-site.
      (k)   Service business - on-site.
      (l)   Community gardens operated by the city.
   (7)   Accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in the LB District:
      (a)   Accessory buildings and structures in compliance with § 1007.044(11).
      (b)   Fences in compliance with § 1007.050.
      (c)   Off-street loading in compliance with § 1007.053.
      (d)   Off-street parking in compliance with § 1007.052.
      (e)   Outside services, sales, and equipment rental accessory to the principal use and limited in area to 25% of the gross floor area of the principal building.
      (f)   Radio and television receiving antennas, satellite dishes, TVROs three meters or less in diameter, short-wave dispatching antennas, or those necessary for the operation of electronic equipment including radio receivers, ham radio transmitters, and television receivers in compliance with § 1007.062.
      (g)   Signs in compliance with City Code Chapter 1010.
      (h)   Home Occupation Level A in compliance with § 1007.056.
   (8)   Conditional uses. The following uses require a conditional use permit in compliance with § 1007.016:
      (a)   Accessory drive-through facilities provided that:
         1.   At least 120 feet of segregated passenger motor vehicle stacking must be provided for the single service lane. Where multiple service lanes are provided, the minimum passenger motor vehicle stacking may be reduced to 60 feet per lane.
         2.   The stacking lane and its access must be designed to control traffic in a manner to protect the buildings and will not interfere with on-site traffic circulation or access to the required parking space.
         3.   No part of the public street or boulevard may be used for stacking of passenger motor vehicles or motorcycles.
         4.   The stacking lane, order board intercom, and window placement shall be designed and located in such a manner as to minimize glare to adjacent premises, particularly residential premises, and to maximize maneuverability of vehicles on the site.
         5.   The drive-through window and its stacking lanes shall be screened from view of adjoining residential zoning districts and public street rights-of-way.
         6.   A lighting and photometric plan will be required that illustrates the drive-through service lane lighting and shall comply with § 1007.046.
      (b)   Commercial day care facilities provided that:
         1.   All requirements of the Minnesota Department of Health and Human Services, as may be amended, are satisfactorily met and the structure and operation is licensed accordingly.
         2.   Screening is provided in compliance with § 1007.049.
         3.   Adequate off-street parking is provided in a location separated from any outdoor play area(s).
         4.   Adequate off-street loading spaces in compliance with § 1007.053.
      (c)   Motor fuel stations provided that:
         1.   All conditions in § 1007.072 are met.
      (d)   Private lodges and clubs provided that:
         1.   Screening and landscaping from land guided residential per the comprehensive plan is provided in compliance with requirements for business or industrial uses in § 1007.049.
         2.   Adequate off-street parking and access is provided on the site or on lots directly abutting directly across a public street or alley to the principal use in compliance with § 1007.052.
         3.   Parking is screened and landscaped in compliance with § 1007.049.
      (e)   Public, educational, and religious buildings provided that:
         1.   Screening from residential uses and landscaping is provided in compliance with § 1007.049.
         2.   Adequate off-street parking and access is provided on the site or on lots directly abutting directly across a public street or alley to the principal use in compliance with § 1007.052.
         3.   Parking is screened and landscaped in compliance with requirements for business or industrial uses in § 1007.049.
         4.   Adequate off-street loading and service entrances are provided and regulated where applicable by § 1007.053.
      (f)   Specialty schools such as music, dance or business schools provided that:
         1.   Provisions are made to buffer and screen any adjoining residential uses.
         2.   The site is served by an arterial or collector street of sufficient capacity to accommodate traffic which will be generated.
      (g)   Residential apartments accessory to permitted or conditional uses in the LB District provided that:
         1.   The apartment is located in the same building as the principal use.
         2.   Residential and non-residential use are not contained on the same floor.
         3.   The residential and non-residential uses do not conflict in any manner.
      (h)   Veterinary hospitals provided that:
         1.   All areas in which animals are confined are located indoors and are properly soundproofed from adjacent properties.
         2.   Animal carcasses are properly disposed of in a manner not utilizing on-site garbage facilities or incineration and the carcasses are properly refrigerated during periods prior to disposal.
         3.   An indoor animal kennel is permitted as a use accessory to the veterinary hospital provided that:
            a.   The number of animals boarded shall not exceed 20.
            b.   An indoor exercise area shall be provided to accommodate the periodic exercising of animals boarded at the kennel. No outdoor exercising of animals shall be permitted.
            c.   A ventilation system shall be designed so that no odors or organisms will spread between wards or to the outside air and will be capable of completely exchanging internal air at a rate of at least twice per hour. Air temperature must be maintained between 60ºF. and 75ºF.
            d.   A room separate from the kennel area shall be provided of sufficient size to adequately separate animals that are sick or injured from healthy animals.
            e.   Indoor animal kennel floors and walls shall be made of non-porous materials or sealed concrete to make it non-porous.
            f.   Animal wastes shall be flushed down an existing sanitary sewer system or enclosed in a container of sufficient construction to eliminate odors and organisms and shall be properly disposed of at least once a day.
         4.   The appropriate license is obtained from the city and the conditions of City Code Chapter 503 relating to the keeping of animals are met.
         5.   All State Health Department and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency requirements for such facilities are met.
   (9)   Uses by administrative permit. The following uses require an administrative permit in compliance with § 1007.019:
      (a)   Personal wireless service antennas as secondary uses in compliance with § 1007.062.
      (b)   Home Occupation Level B in compliance with § 1007.056.
      (c)   Essential services.
      (d)   Accessory outdoor dining areas intended for consumption of food or beverages purchased on site in compliance with § 1007.063. This administrative permit may be incorporated into another approval such as but not limited to a site plan, planned unit development, or building permit.
      (e)   Temporary structures in compliance with § 1007.071.
      (f)   Transient merchants.
   (10)   Interim uses. The following uses require an interim use permit in compliance with § 1007.017:
      (a)   Earth moving and land reclamation in compliance with § 1007.059.
(Am. Ord. 13-23, passed 9-11-2023)