(1)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish minimum requirements for off-street parking of motor vehicles in order to alleviate or prevent congestion of the public right-of-way and to promote the safety and general welfare of the public.
   (2)   Application of off-street parking regulations. These regulations and requirements shall apply to all off-street parking areas in all of the zoning districts of the city.
   (3)   General provisions.
      (a)   Space reduction. Existing off-street parking spaces upon the effective date of this chapter shall not be reduced in number unless said number exceeds the requirements set forth herein for a similar new use.
      (b)   Existing uses. Should a legal, non-conforming building, structure, or use in existence upon the effective date of this ordinance be damaged or destroyed by fire or other cause, it may be re-established in compliance with § 1007.041 of this chapter, except that in so doing, any off-street parking or loading which existed must be retained.
      (c)   Change of use or occupancy of buildings. Any change of use or occupancy of any building or buildings including additions requiring more off-street parking areas shall not be permitted until there is furnished such additional off-street parking spaces as required by these zoning regulations.
      (d)   Use of off-street parking area. Required off-street parking areas in any district shall not be utilized for outdoor storage of goods or for the storage of motor vehicles which are inoperable or for sale or for rent.
      (e)   Accessible off-street parking. All off-street parking associated with any building, structure or use shall be required to conform to the disability accessible parking standards pursuant to M.S. § 169.346, as may be amended.
      (f)   Use of off-street parking areas in a residential district. Except as allowed under division (11) below of this section, off-street parking areas accessory to a residential use shall be utilized solely for the parking of passenger motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, and/or one truck not to exceed 12,000 pounds gross weight rating for each dwelling.
      (g)   Calculating space.
         1.   The term “floor area” for the purpose of calculating the number of off-street parking spaces required shall be determined on the basis of the exterior floor area dimensions of the buildings, structure or use times the number of floors, minus 10%, except when floor plans are submitted that identify net usable floor area of the building exclusive of ancillary floor areas that do not generate parking demand (e.g., stair wells, hallways, restrooms, closets, utility rooms).
         2.   When determining the number of off-street parking spaces results in a fraction, each fraction of one-half or more shall constitute another space.
         3.   In gymnasiums, churches and other places of public assembly in which patrons or spectators occupy benches, pews or other similar seating facilities, each 18 inches of such seating facilities shall be counted as one seat for the purpose of determining requirements.
         4.   Except as provided for under joint parking and shopping centers, should a building or structure contain two or more types of use, each use shall be calculated separately for determining the total off-street parking spaces required.
         5.   In hospitals, bassinets shall not be counted as beds.
      (h)   Parking space, aisle and driveway design.
         1.   Off-street parking area standards. Off-street parking areas and the aisles shall be developed in compliance with the following standards:
Table 1
Angle of Parking
Space Width
Space Length
Aisle Width
One Way
Aisle Width
Two Way
9 feet
18 feet
24 feet
24 feet
9 feet
18 feet
22 feet
23 feet
9 feet
18 feet
18 feet
22 feet
9 feet
18 feet
15 feet
22 feet
9 feet
22 feet
12 feet
24 feet
         2.   Within structures. The off-street parking requirements may be furnished by providing a space so designed within the principal building or one structure attached thereto. No building permit shall be issued to convert said parking structure into a dwelling unit or living area or other activity until other adequate provisions are made to comply with the required off- street parking provisions of this chapter.
         3.   Collector/minor arterial street access. Access to any street shown as a collector or arterial roadway on the city's transportation plan shall require review and comment by the affected agency (Anoka County Highway Engineer or MnDOT) and city. This review shall be required prior to the issuance of any building permits. The County or City Engineer shall determine the appropriate location, size and design of each access drive and may limit the number of access drives in the interest of public safety and efficient traffic flow.
         4.   Street/alley access. Except in the case of single, two family and townhouse dwellings, off-street parking areas shall be designed so that circulation between parking spaces or aisles occurs within the designated parking lot and does not depend upon a public street or alley. Except in the case of single, two family and townhouse dwellings, off-street parking area design which requires backing into the public street is prohibited. New residential subdivisions shall be designed to limit direct lot access onto any street shown as a collector or arterial roadway on the city's Transportation Plan.
         5.   Tandem parking. The required off-street parking spaces serving single family and two-family dwellings may be designed for parking two motor vehicles in a tandem arrangement for each dwelling unit in order to comply with the requirements of this chapter.
         6.   Curb cut/driveway access location.
            a.   No curb cut/driveway access shall be located less than 30 feet from the intersection of two or more local or minor street rights-of-way. This distance shall be measured from the intersection of lot lines. Curb cut/driveway access setbacks from the intersection of streets with higher functional classifications shall be consistent with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan and require approval by the City Engineer.
               i.   Street functional classification shall be defined by the Lino Lakes Comprehensive Plan.
               ii.   The setback measurement shall be measured from the edge of the street right-of-way to the nearest edge of the curb cut.
               iii.   Driveways onto arterials and major collectors shall be prohibited where alternative street access is available. For existing lots of record, where alternative access is not available, direct access onto arterial and major collectors may be permitted, provided a site plan is submitted for review and approval of the City Engineer. Approval is also subject to the conditions of this chapter.
            b.   Curb cut/driveway access on a public street shall be located at least 40 feet from one another except for single family, two-family, and townhouse dwellings.
            c.   Curb cut/driveway access shall be a minimum of five (5) feet from the side lot line in all districts, except shared driveways approved by the City Engineer. Any shared driveway shall include a maintenance and access agreement.
            d.   A single family detached dwelling in a residential zoning district shall not have more than one driveway.
            e.   A single-family detached dwelling in a rural zoning district may have one or more driveways provided they are at least 40 feet from one another. No second driveway shall be allowed onto a major collector or arterial street as defined by the city's Transportation Plan.
         7.   Curb cut/driveway width. No curb cut shall exceed 28 feet in width within a rural or residential zoning district, or 36 feet in width if the property is in a commercial, industrial, or public/semi-public zoning district, as measured at the street right-of-way line unless approved by the City Engineer. The driveway associated with such curb cut may increase in width at an angle not greater than 45 degrees. (See Diagram 4)
   Diagram 4
         8.   Emergency vehicle access.
            a.   Access drives to principal buildings or structures which traverse wooded, steep or open field areas shall be constructed and maintained to a width and base material depth sufficient to support access by emergency vehicles. All access drives (driveways) shall comply with the following requirements:
Table 2
Rural and Residential Districts
Business, Industrial, PSP Districts
Maximum Slope
10 foot vertical rise in 100 horizontal feet
8 feet vertical rise in 100 horizontal feet
Minimum Width
10 foot wide driveway base. Vegetation should be cleared to 8 feet on each side of driveway centerline from the roadway to the front lot line.
20 feet driveway base or as approved by Community Engineer
            b.   All property shall have direct, adequate, physical access for emergency vehicles along the frontage of the lot from either an existing dedicated public roadway or an approved private roadway.
            c.   In addition to the required direct physical access along the frontage of the property to the approved public or private street, a property may have existing private easement access drives over adjacent properties.
         9.   Grade elevation. The grade elevation of a parking lot shall not exceed 5%.
         10.   Striping. All parking spaces shall be marked with white or yellow painted lines at least four inches wide except for single, two-family, townhouses, and green parking lots.
         11.   Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking area shall be arranged as to reflect the light away from the adjoining property. All exterior lighting shall comply with § 1007.046.
         12.   Curbing and landscaping. All open off-street parking shall have a continuous concrete perimeter curb barrier around the entire parking lot except for single, two-family, and townhouses. Said curb barrier shall not be closer than the required parking setback of the respective zoning district. Grass, plantings, or screening shall be provided in all areas bordering the parking area. Curbed islands or peninsulas shall be installed to promote the safe and efficient flow of traffic, regardless of parking lot size.
         13.   Off-street parking area landscaping.
            a.   All open off-street parking areas of six or more required spaces shall be landscaped on all sides in compliance with § 1007.049.
            b.   Within off-street parking areas of 50 or more spaces, irrigated landscaped islands or peninsulas or rain gardens shall be provided at a rate of 100 square feet per 25 surface spaces or fraction thereof. Such islands or peninsulas shall be contained within raised, curbed beds consistent with other applicable parking lot construction requirements of this ordinance. It is not the intent of this section to relieve a project of the installation of islands or peninsulas that are necessary to promote the safe and efficient flow of traffic, regardless of parking lot size.
            c.   No landscaping or screening shall interfere with drive or pedestrian visibility for vehicle entering, circulating or exiting the premises.
         14.   Cart storage. Retail commercial uses that have customer service carts shall be required to provide ample space for the storage of carts within off-street parking areas, subject to the approval of the Zoning Administrator. The need and specific amount of required cart storage space shall be determined as part of site plan review. When required, cart storage areas shall not occupy required off-street parking space, shall be clearly delineated, and shall include facilities for cart confinement.
         15.   Surfacing. All driveways, approaches, sales lots, and off-street parking areas shall be hard surfaced using concrete, asphalt or equivalent materials as approved by the City Engineer except as follows:
            a.   In business, industrial, and public and semi-public zoning districts the city may allow up to 25% of the required off-street parking spaces be provided as green parking with a turf surface supported by a city approved parking lot sub-base and a turf-guard fabric.
            b.   In rural and residential zoning districts on lots one acre in size or greater, class 5 gravel or other surfacing material may be allowed as approved by the City Engineer. Any driveways on a paved street shall be hard surfaced from the edge of the paved street to the lot line.
            c.   A permit is required for the installation of a new driveway or the replacement of an existing driveway.
   (4)   Maintenance. It shall be the joint responsibility of the operator and owner of the principal use, uses and/or buildings to maintain, in a neat and adequate manner, the off-street parking space, access ways, landscaping and required screening.
   (5)   Location. All off-street parking areas required by this chapter shall be located and restricted as follows:
      (a)   Required off-street parking areas shall be located on the same lot under the same ownership as the principal use being served, except under the provisions of divisions (8) and (9) below of this section.
      (b)   Off-street parking spaces for one- and two-family dwellings shall be located on the same lot as the principal use served.
      (c)   Off-street parking spaces for multiple-family dwellings shall be located on the same lot as the principal use served and within 200 feet of the main entrance to the principal building served.
      (d)   Off-street parking spaces for uses in a business, industrial, or public and semipublic district shall be located within 800 feet of a main entrance to the principal building served.
      (e)   Off-street parking spaces shall not be located within a public right-of-way.
      (f)   Off-street parking areas shall meet the setback standard of the respective zoning district.
      (g)   Off-street parking spaces for single family dwellings, two-family dwellings, and townhouse dwellings shall not be located in the front yard except designated driveways leading directly into a garage. One off-street parking space may be located on the side of a driveway, away from the principal use. This parking space shall be surfaced in a manner consistent with division (3)(h)15. above of this section.
   (6)   Number of spaces required. The following minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be provided and maintained by ownership, easement and/or lease for and during the life of the respective uses hereinafter set forth:
Table 3
Number of Parking Spaces Required
Number of Parking Spaces Required
Single Family and Two family Dwellings
2 spaces per unit.
Boarding House/Accessory Apartment
At least 1 space for each person for whom sleeping accommodations are provided.
Townhouses and Manufactured Home Parks
2 rent-free spaces per unit. In projects involving 8 or more units, guest parking at a rate of 1 space per 3 units shall be provided.
Multiple-Family Dwellings
2 rent-free spaces per unit. A minimum of one-half of the required parking spaces shall be within the building.
Senior Housing
1.5 spaces per independent living apartment unit other than studio apartments. Studio apartments require 1 space per unit. Half of the parking spaces for independent living shall be underground.
Rest Home, Nursing Home, Convalescent Center, or Assisted-Living
1 space for each 6 beds based upon maximum design capacity plus 1 space for each 2 employees.
2 spaces for each bed.
Schools, Elementary and Junior High
At least 3 parking spaces per classroom, plus necessary spaces for student drop off. Auditoriums and special events space shall be calculated separately.
High School and Colleges
1 space for each classroom plus 1 additional space for each 7 students based upon maximum design capacity.
Church, Theater, Auditorium
At least 1 parking space for each 3 seats based on the design capacity of the main assembly hall. Facilities as may be provided in conjunction with such buildings or uses shall be subject to additional requirements which are imposed by this ordinance.
Community Centers, Libraries, Private Clubs, Lodges, Museums, Art Galleries
1 space for each 300 square feet of floor area in the principal structure.
Day Care Facilities
1 space for each 300 square feet of floor area.
Office Buildings, Veterinary Hospitals, Professional Offices, and Medical Clinics
1 space for each 200 square feet of floor area.
Financial Institutions, Banks, Savings and Loan
1 space for each 250 square feet of floor area.
Health Club
1 space for each 300 square feet of floor area.
Retail Store and Service Establishment
1 space for each 200 square feet of floor area.
Shopping Centers
1 space for each 200 square feet of floor area (exclusive of common areas).
Retail Sales and Service Business with 50% or More of Gross Floor area Devoted to Storage, Warehouses and/or Industry
At least 8 spaces or 1 space for each 200 square feet devoted to public sales or service, plus 1 space for each 500 square feet of storage area.
Restaurants, Cafes, Private Clubs Serving Food and/or Drinks, Bars, On-Sale Nightclubs
1 space for each 100 square feet of dining room, plus 1 space for each employee of the maximum work shift.
Fast Food Restaurant
1 space for each 67 square feet of gross floor area.
Motels, Motor Hotels, Hotels
1 space per each rental unit plus 1 space for each 8 units, and 1 space for each employee on any shift.
Motor Fuel Station
1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Auto Repair
4 spaces plus 2 spaces per service bay.
Motor Vehicle Sales Lot
1 space for each 250 square feet of floor area of the building plus 1 space per each 2,000 square feet of gross land area.
Commercial Car Wash
1 space per employee plus:
Drive-through: 10 stacking spaces.
Self-service: 1 stacking space per wash bay.
Motor fuel stations: None in addition to that required for the principal use.
Garden Supply Store, Building Material Sales in Structure
8 spaces, plus 1 space for 800 square feet of floor area over 1,000 square feet.
Private Racquetball, Handball and Tennis Courts
6 spaces per court.
Indoor Sports Arenas, Private Skating Rink, Dance Hall, or Public Auction House
20 spaces, plus 1 space for each 200 square feet of floor space over 2,000 square feet.
Golf Driving Range, Miniature Golf, Archery Range
10 spaces plus 1 space for each 100 square feet of floor space of building.
Golf Courses
4 spaces per hole, plus 50% of the requirements for any other associated use.
Bowling Alley
5 spaces for each alley, plus additional spaces for related uses.
Funeral Homes and Mortuaries
20 spaces for each chapel or parlor, plus 1 space for each funeral vehicle.
Contractors' Offices, Shops and Yards
2 spaces for each employee.
Light Manufacturing
1 space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area.
Warehousing, Storage of Handling of Bulk Goods
1 space for each 2,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Other Uses
Any use not in the parking requirements in this section shall be assigned a parking requirement by the Community Development Director or designee.
   (7)   Parking deferment. The city may reduce the number of required off-street parking spaces for business, industrial, and institutional uses by administrative permit provided that:
      (a)   The applicant must demonstrate that the proposed use will have a peak parking demand less than the required off-street parking under division (6) above of this section. Factors to be considered when reviewing the proposed parking demand shall include, but not be limited to:
         1.   Size of building.
         2.   Type and use.
         3.   Number of employees.
         4.   Projected volume and turnover of customer traffic.
         5.   Projected frequency and volume of delivery or service vehicles.
         6.   Number of company-owned vehicles.
         7.   Storage of vehicles on site.
      (b)   In no case shall the amount of off-street parking provided be less than one-half of the amount of parking required by ordinance.
      (c)   The site has sufficient property under the same ownership to accommodate the expansion of the parking area to meet the minimum requirements of this ordinance if the parking demand exceeds on site supply.
      (d)   Off-street parking shall only occur in areas designed and constructed for parking in compliance with this chapter.
      (e)   The applicant and city enter into an agreement, to be recorded against the subject property, which includes a clause requiring the owner to install the additional off-street parking spaces, upon a finding of the Community Development Director that such additional parking spaces are necessary to accommodate the use.
      (f)   A change of use will necessitate compliance with the applicable Zoning Ordinance standard for off-street parking.
   (8)   Joint off-street parking areas. Off-street parking areas for a combination of mixed buildings, structures, or uses may be provided collectively in any non-residential zoning district in which separate parking areas for each separate building, structure or use would be required, provided that the total number of spaces provided shall equal the sum of the separate requirements of each use during any peak parking periods. Shared curb cuts and access drives shall be encouraged for lots accessing collector and arterial streets. Where shared access and parking are utilized, easements shall be located on the shared area and recorded with the properties and a maintenance agreement required.
   (9)   Control of off-site parking areas. When required off-street parking areas are provided on a different property in which the principal use is located, the parking area shall be in the same ownership, or controlled either by deed or long term lease as the property occupied by such principal use. The owner of the principal use shall file a recordable document with the city requiring the owner and their heirs and assigns to maintain the required number of off-street spaces during the existence of said principal use.
   (10)   Traffic control.
      (a)   The traffic generated by any use shall be channelized and controlled in a manner that it will minimize:
         1.   Congestion on the public streets.
         2.   Traffic hazards.
         3.   Excessive traffic through residential areas, particularly truck traffic.
      (b)   Internal traffic shall be regulated as to ensure its safe and orderly flow. Traffic with direct access to a collector street or arterial street shall in all cases be forward moving with no backing into streets. Direct residential lot access to collector and arterial streets shall be prohibited wherever alternative local street access is available.
   (11)   Motor vehicle off-street parking in residential and rural zoning districts.
      (a)   Passenger motor vehicles and motorcycles may be parked or driven on a residential or rural property provided that:
         1.   They are parked or driven on an appropriate surface leading to the parking area in compliance with division (3)(h)15 of this section.
         2.   They are operable and appropriately licensed at all times they are parked outside of an accessory building.
         3.   They are set back a minimum of five feet from side and rear lot lines, except in cases where a shared driveway has been approved by the City Engineer.
         4.   When parked in the front yard or corner side yard of a property, they are parked on a designated driveway or parking area.
      (b)   Recreational vehicles and trailers, as defined by § 1007.001, may be parked or stored on a residential or rural property provided that:
         1.   The vehicles are registered to or rented by a resident of the dwelling on such property, provided that:
            a.   The vehicles have affixed thereto current registration or license plates as required by law.
            b.   The vehicles are stored no closer than five feet from side and rear lot lines.
            c.   The vehicles located within front yard areas are confined to designated driveways or parking areas surfaced in compliance with division (3)(h)15.
         2.   All front yard storage shall comply with the following setbacks from street curb and pavement lines:
   Table 4
Street Classification
Minimum setback from curb/pavement line
30 feet
Major Collector
20 feet
Minor Collector and Local
15 feet
         3.   No vehicle shall be parked in a manner that blocks a city or county sidewalk, park, or trail.
         4.   The vehicles are not connected to any water or sewage disposal system on the residential or rural property where the same is so parked or stored.
         5.   A recreational vehicle or trailer shall not be utilized for storage of goods, materials, or equipment other than those items considered to be part of the unit or essential for its immediate use.
         6.   No recreational vehicle may be used as a living quarter while stored/parked on a residential or rural property.
      (c)   Motor Vehicles exceeding a gross weight rating of 12,000 pounds.
         1.   No motor vehicle, except recreational vehicle, exceeding a gross weight rating of 12,000 pounds shall be parked or stored, indoors or outdoors, in a residential zoning district, or on a lot of less than two and one-half acres in a rural zoning district, except when loading, unloading, or rendering a service.
            a.   An administrative permit may be obtained from the Community Development Department for the temporary parking or storage of motor vehicles that comply with the following requirements:
               i.   The motor vehicle is operable and appropriately licensed at all times.
               ii.   The vehicle shall not be parked or stored for more than 72 hours within a seven-day period excluding legal holidays.
               iii.   The vehicle shall be parked or stored behind the front of the dwelling.
               iv.   No more than one permit shall be granted per residence.
               v.   Neither the truck engine nor any other motorized component shall be left running while the vehicle is parked or stored.
               vi.   There shall be a minimum of 150 feet from the vehicle to the nearest lot line.
               vii.   The vehicle and trailer shall remain connected.
               viii.   All parking permits shall be reviewed and renewed on July 1 of each year at a fee established by the City Council. If at any time the conditions or requirements of permit approval are violated, the permit may be revoked.
         2.   On lots two and one-half acres or greater in rural zoning districts, no more than two motor vehicles exceeding a gross weight rating of 12,000 pounds shall be parked or stored, indoors or outdoors. Vehicles parked or stored shall meet the following requirements:
            a.   The motor vehicles are operable and appropriately licensed at all times.
            b.   Neither the truck engine nor any other motorized component shall be left running while the vehicle is parked or stored.
            c.   There shall be a minimum of 150 feet from the vehicle to the nearest lot line.
            d.   The vehicle and trailer shall remain connected.
(Am. Ord. 13-23, passed 9-11-2023)